May To-Do List

May To-Do List

Well, we’ve managed to survive one more month of “sheltering in”, and based on the increase in business at the nursery, I think it is a fair conclusion that many of you made the most of your time by working in your yards. Good for you! That time spent in April will save you lots of labor later in the year. That being said, there is never a shortage of tasks to be completed in our gardens, so here are a few ideas to keep you busy while we all figure out how to safely go back out in public…

Rediscover Rhododendrons

Rediscover Rhododendrons

Springtime has arrived and with it, multitudes of Rhododendron blooms - our state flower that shines in every color imaginable! Along with their beautiful flowers comes interesting and attractive foliage too. Rhododendron foliages offer every shade of green, in all kinds of shapes/sizes, and some are even variegated with stunning color too. To get the complete package, look for a nice bloomer with great foliage too…

Tips For Making Your “Victory Garden” Victorious

Tips For Making Your “Victory Garden” Victorious

Whatever your reason is for feeling moved to plant a vegetable garden in these times of turmoil, it’s a good idea. It is good to get out in the fresh air, get some exercise and any time spent in the garden can be therapeutic. Good intentions are all fine and good, but without positive results it might leave you hesitant to try growing your own food again in the future. All it takes is some effort and a few tips will help too. That being said, here are some tips to help your veggie growing efforts turn out successfully…

You Too Can "Bee" A Pollinator Gardener

You Too Can "Bee" A Pollinator Gardener

Unless you have been living under a rock, you should be aware by now of the importance of bees (and insects in general for that matter) on our ecosystem. They are our chief pollinators, along with wasps and flies, some moths and butterflies, and even hummingbirds and bats. In the early season, one can observe our native mason bees and bumble bees working over early blooming shrubs, bulbs and perennial and later in the year, the honey bees are the dominate species in the garden. There are several things that home gardeners can do to encourage bees and other insects to come into their yard. Here are some things to consider…

Escape Into The Garden, It May Be One Of The Safest Places To Hang Out

Escape Into The Garden, It May Be One Of The Safest Places To Hang Out

Sometimes I feel like the world is spinning out of control. There is all the fear over… If you are feeling a bit overwhelmed, I think I have the solution for you: spend more time in the garden! The sunshine will do you good, working in the dirt will help you build up immunities, breathing the fresh air will clear your lungs, and just communing with nature will clear your mind. Here are some things you can do while you are decompressing from all that life is currently throwing you…