Hardy Sedums come to us from across the globe and have adapted perfectly to almost all arid, and even higher elevation, locales. Modern Succulents, of all kinds, have been bred into a massive array of...
More Summer Blooming Shrubs
Summer Blooming Shrubs
Whenever I ponder summer blooming shrubs, two have been and always will be at the front of my mind… Roses and Hydrangeas – as nothing will beat either of these for length of flowering time, all the way until frost… There is never anything wrong with more of either, but what else can I choose that will add some seasonal interest to the summer garden?…
Healthy Hardy Fuchsias
The Fuchsia flower is somewhat unique in the world of gardening, sporting a pronounced corolla and often contrasting sepal color, all in a pendent-type flower. Over the eons, these are plants that have evolved right alongside their pollinating partners, the hummingbirds. They provide rich nectar for our winged friends, but also…
Captivating Coneflowers
Garden Surprises – Fountains, Birdbaths and Garden Art
Something I truly enjoy when strolling through any garden are surprises, simple unexpected treasures that catch my eye and bring a smile to my face. I come around a corner, or peer down a pathway, or even look behind an old tree and exclaim “Ooooo… and what do we have here?” These focal points can be…
Crabapple trees have adorned gardens across the globe for centuries. While some are actually grown for their edible fruits, the vast majority are enjoyed for their ornamental qualities in landscapes. Not to get all Latin on you, but…