summer planting

Spring Into Container Gardens

Spring Into Container Gardens

Now that the temperatures have risen and we are heading towards the warmth of summer, it is the ideal time to add colorful containers to our decks, patios, porches and landscapes.  For many gardeners like me, this involves rejuvenating existing ones by…

Make Your Garden Look “Hellaciously Good” With Heleniums, Helianthus, AND Heliopsis

Make Your Garden Look “Hellaciously Good” With Heleniums, Helianthus, AND Heliopsis

We are moving into the later part of summer when all of the spring and early summer perennials have finished up and it is time for those mid to late summer bloomers to take front stage.  Keeping the show going in our gardens can be tricky, especially if we are prone to only do our shopping in the spring months and focus on what is in color at that time…

Don't Be Annoyed, Fill That Void!

Don't Be Annoyed, Fill That Void!

I am going to go out on a limb here and make a brash statement: “perfection in the garden is fleeting”.  Yes, it is sadly true… Earlier this spring I was congratulating myself on how nicely all of my many perennials (probably too many if I am honest with myself) were knitting themselves together and gradually obliterating any bare, visible soil.  That is still happening, to be sure, but along the way some of my early bloomers have “gone over” and it is time to take another look at what I can plop in and around them to keep things looking colorful and interesting…

It's The Summer Of Love

It's The Summer Of Love

I don’t know what it is about the months of July and August, but it seems like every year about this time I fall in love with my garden all over again.  For me, the spring season is more of a puppy love or infatuation, but the summer months are when true love really blossoms, both literally and figuratively.  It’s when my garden loves me back with all of its beauty and splendor…

'Bee-You' Bee Balm

'Bee-You' Bee Balm

Monarda, commonly known as Bee Balm, has been a popular garden perennial for many years. Most of the modern hybrids come from two species native to the eastern United States. Today’s cultivars come in a range of colors, including…

Love It Or Leave It

Love It Or Leave It

August can either be a month where the fruits of our labors and expressions of love come together into a glorious crescendo of all the wonderful colors of the rainbow, or it can be a time when we head out for vacations and ball games, and our yards become neglected barren patches of dried out dirt…

6 Steps To Successful Summer Planting

6 Steps To Successful Summer Planting

Now that the summer weather has arrived, it never fails that someone will ask me: “Can I still plant now or should I wait until the fall?” For the record, as a landscape contractor in the Sacramento Valley where it was routinely 85 to 105 degrees, I planted all summer long and never lost a single plant. You can have the same success rate by following my directions…