August can either be a month where the fruits of our labors and expressions of love come together into a glorious crescendo of all the wonderful colors of the rainbow, or it can be a time when we head out for vacations and ball games, and our yards become neglected barren patches of dried out dirt…
Dealing With Mosquitos In The Garden
Now that summer has arrived and we are spending more time out in our yards, it is becoming increasingly apparent that at certain times of the day we are not alone. By that I mean that the mosquitos are out in force and looking for some sustenance. Here are some techniques and more specifically, some plants that will help mitigate these annoying creatures and let us enjoy our yards without becoming victims of these flying hypodermic needles…
I am sure many of you, like me, are battling the seemingly endless procession of rabbits invading your garden. In my landscape, the cute little furry destructors are there every morning to send me off to work, and then there to welcome me home. The main perpetrators are usually…