Come learn with us here in the nursery!
For gardeners of all ages and skill levels, we can’t wait to see you!
DIY workshops (for kids & adults), lecture classes & even short educational videos - we’ll have it all this year! Taught by our experts, all of our educational efforts are meant to spread the knowledge & joy of gardening while giving you the tools needed to be confident & successful.
Our DIY workshops are fun “make-and-take” experiences that allow you (or your kiddo) to be hands-on & creative. Our lecture classes are held here in the nursery in our “classroom” greenhouse, followed by a Q&A session & accompanied by discounts to use here in the nursery (lasting from class day to the following Friday). These lecture classes will still be recorded & posted here and on our YouTube channel. We will also be releasing short videos of timely topics, again here & on our YouTube channel to help you feel prepared to tackle those important garden projects.
Follow us on social media, especially YouTube (make sure to subscribe in order to receive timely notification of new content!) & sign up for our emails on our website to stay “in the know”
Have any questions? Contact us!
Did you miss our latest class Colorful Spring Conifers? Don’t worry, we recorded it… RIGHT HERE!
Upcoming Classes…
Our classes are FREE (unless otherwise noted) and no admission ticket is required to attend!
Get the full 2025 class lineup list HERE!
See past classes, recordings & handouts below upcoming classes
Organic Gardening
Coming Soon…
Join us on this date as we post a helpful & short video on our YouTube channel
Spring is a wonderful time to introduce new conifers into the landscape. With colorful new growth they add beautiful spring interest, especially with such a vast array of sizes, shapes & colors available! These evergreen beauties add so much color, texture and form to our landscapes - often bringing 12 months of color. Here at the nursery, we specialize in a wide selection of conifers, from dwarfs to full size. Learn from our conifer expert Trevor Cameron, Certified Professional Horticulturist (aka plant expert!), about everything you want to know about these versatile plants and which ones are shining in the springtime. We hope you'll join us for this FREE class that starts @ 10am!
We will be recording this class and it will be posted, at a later time, on our website. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to view past videos and to receive notification when the class gets posted.
New & Exciting Plants For 2025
March 26th
Join us on this date as we post a helpful & short video on our YouTube channel
Gardening With Rabbits
April 2nd
Join us on this date as we post a helpful & short video on our YouTube channel
Dazzling Deciduous Shrubs
April 5th @ 10am
Join us for a class on everything Deciduous Shrubs! From foliage to form to flower, we'll discuss how to incorporate deciduous shrubs into the landscape, seasonality, structure, foliage color & fall color. With a wide variety of textures, colors & varieties that flower, it's easy and fun to plant more shrubs in your landscape for year round interest! Join our very own Trevor Cameron, C.P.H. (aka plant expert!) for discussions on everything you want & need to know about dazzling deciduous shrubs. We hope you'll join us for this FREE class that starts @ 10am!
We will be recording this class (in case you miss it, can't get in, etc.) and it will be posted later, here, on our website. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive notification when the class gets posted.
PNW Vines
April 9th
Join us on this date as we post a helpful & short video on our YouTube channel
Useful Native Plants
April 16th
Join us on this date as we post a helpful & short video on our YouTube channel
Japanese Maples: The Tree For All Seasons
April 19th @ 10am
A tree for all seasons, what could that be? Japanese Maples, that's what! They are so versatile, perfect for every landscape & stunning throughout every season. Let one man’s passion be the source of knowledge for you in this discussion on the delicate and ornate world of Japanese maples. Whether your interest is in choosing one great addition for your landscape or growing a specialty garden, Certified Professional Horticulturist Trevor Cameron will show you the way! We hope you'll join us for this FREE class that starts @ 10am!
We will be recording this class (in case you miss it, can't get in, etc.) and it will be posted later, here, on our website. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive notification when the class gets posted.
Rockin’ Rhodies & Azaleas
April 26th @ 10am
There are so many different colors, sizes & varieties to choose from these days - how do you choose?! Join our very own Trevor Cameron C.P.H. (aka plant expert) to discuss everything you want to know about Rhododendrons & Azaleas. Fabulous colors, fantastic foliage & new varieties and even new “cooler” species - you won't want to miss out.
We will also be co-hosting (along with The American Rhododendron Society) our annual rhododendron truss show that same day where you can come see unique & rare locally grown rhodies! We hope you'll join us for this FREE class & event that both start @ 10am!
We will be recording this class (in case you miss it, can't get in, etc.) and it will be posted later, here, on our website. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive notification when the class gets posted.
Successful Shade Gardens
April 30th
Join us on this date as we post a helpful & short video on our YouTube channel
DIY Hanging Basket Planting
May 3rd @ 10am
*This is a ‘make & take’ workshop, which requires an upfront fee. Stop by our cashier counter day of for an admission ticket*
More info coming soon…
Hot Summer Vegetables
May 14th
Join us on this date as we post a helpful & short video on our YouTube channel
Container Planting
May 17th @ 10am
There are 3 key components to a spectacular container - thrillers, fillers & spillers! All you need is at least one of each of these things and you'll be good to go to create a beautiful, one-of-a-kind container. Join our very own Holli Schippers (expert & our Seasonal Color department Manager) & Sara Christopherson (longtime gardener & plant expert), to learn how to create long-lasting, successful container gardens. They will discuss how to pick out the perfect plants and container, along with proper care instructions to keep your hard work looking its best! Come learn how to coordinate colors, textures and which plants are excellent companions for others. We hope to see you for the FREE class and event @ 10am!
We'll also be holding our FREE Container Planting Event this same day! You buy the plants, bring a container (or buy one for 50% off from us!) and we'll provide organic soil and plant your container up for you, right here in the nursery! You can get more info right here, and we hope to see you for this exciting day focused all on Container Gardens!
We will be recording this class (in case you miss it, can't get in, etc.) and it will be posted later, here, on our website. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive notification when the class gets posted.
Stop & Smell The Roses
May 28th
Join us on this date as we post a helpful & short video on our YouTube channel
All Things Hydrangeas
June 4th
Join us on this date as we post a helpful & short video on our YouTube channel
DIY Kokedamas
March 15th @ 10am & again @ 12pm
*This is a ‘make & take’ workshop, which requires an upfront fee. Stop by our cashier counter day of for an admission ticket*
Back by popular demand! Join our very own Tracie Robinson (our Houseplant dept. manager) & Holli Schippers (our Seasonal Color dept. manager), to create and learn how to maintain your very own one-of-a-kind indoor Kokedama! In Japanese, Kokedama translates to ‘moss’ ball and has been around for centuries. They are a fun and different decorative way to display houseplants either hanging or free standing.
We are running one session @ 10am & different session @ 12pm, with space for 20 people in each session. This is a more advanced workshop so children are not recommended, and our instructors will have a more personalized approach with each session in order to best help attendees.
This will be a hands-on, DIY, ‘make & take’ workshop where we will provide everything you need, for an upfront fee of $15+tax. Reserve your spot ASAP as both time slots are limited to 20 people each. Then stop by the cashier counter, day of, to get your admission ticket! We hope you, and your friends, will join us for one of these workshops!
Get the perfect lawn you've always dreamed of (and one that will make your neighborhood jealous!)... Come to class with Trevor Cameron, Certified Professional Horticulturist (aka lawn expert!) to learn how to easily transform your lawn. Whether you are starting new or fixing up the old, go home with the knowledge of how to get your lawn going right. We hope you'll join us for this FREE class that starts @ 10am!
We will be recording this class and it will be posted, at a later time, on our website. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to view past videos and to receive notification when the class gets posted.
DIY Kokedamas
March 1st @ 10am & again @ 12pm
*This is a ‘make & take’ workshop, which requires an upfront fee. Stop by our cashier counter day of for an admission ticket*
Back by popular demand! Join our very own Tracie Robinson (our Houseplant dept. manager) & Holli Schippers (our Seasonal Color dept. manager), to create and learn how to maintain your very own one-of-a-kind indoor Kokedama! In Japanese, Kokedama translates to ‘moss’ ball and has been around for centuries. They are a fun and different decorative way to display houseplants either hanging or free standing.
We are running one session @ 10am & different session @ 12pm, with space for 20 people in each session. This is a more advanced workshop so children are not recommended, and our instructors will have a more personalized approach with each session in order to best help attendees.
This will be a hands-on, DIY, ‘make & take’ workshop where we will provide everything you need, for an upfront fee of $15+tax. Reserve your spot ASAP as both time slots are limited to 20 people each. Then stop by the cashier counter, day of, to get your admission ticket! We hope you, and your friends, will join us for one of these workshops!
Roses are a classic garden staple that can be for all plant enthusiasts, regardless of experience - they're for everyone! Join Trevor Cameron, C.P.H. (aka expert gardener!), who has over 20 years of rose-growing experience and knowledge to pass along so you can feel confident growing these timeless beauties. Learn everything you need to know (without being super overwhelmed) to help you grow, and care for, great roses in the Pacific Northwest. We hope you'll join us for this FREE class that starts @ 10am!
We will be recording this class and it will be posted, at a later time, on our website. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to view past videos and to receive notification when the class gets posted.
DIY Houseplant Valentine
February 9th anytime between 10am to 12pm
*This is a ‘make & take’ workshop, which requires an upfront fee. Stop by our cashier counter day of for an admission ticket*
Join our very own Tracie Robinson (our Houseplant department manager) & Julia Yates (houseplant enthusiast), to create your very own one-of-a-kind Houseplant Valentine! Perfect for ALL ages, make a thoughtful & unique Valentine’s gift that will truly show your love. Make one for your plant-loving best friend, significant other, Galentine’s day, help kiddos make one for a parent or sibling, or just make one to show yourself some love!
This will be a hands-on, DIY, ‘make & take’ workshop where we will provide everything you need, for an upfront fee of only $10+tax. There are unlimited spots, but early registration is welcomed. Then stop by the cashier counter, day of, to get your admission ticket! We hope you, your friends, and the kiddos will join us for this workshop - drop by anytime between 10am & 12pm!
Berries are the best when they are fresh... what's fresher than picking them right from your backyard?! Delicious, nutritious and even beautiful, berries should be a staple in everyone's backyard - especially if you have little ones. Let Trevor Cameron, C.P.H. (aka gardening expert!) teach you the tips and tricks of growing all of the best berries for the pacific northwest! General care, mason bees & their benefits, pruning, planting, fertilizing... we'll cover everything you need to know to grow your very own delicious berries. We hope you'll join us for this FREE class that starts @ 10am.
We will be recording this class and it will be posted, at a later time, on our website. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to view past videos and to receive notification when the class gets posted.
DIY Chalk Pen Planters
February 1st anytime between 10am to 12pm
*This is a ‘make & take’ workshop, which requires an upfront fee. Stop by our cashier counter day of for an admission ticket*
Let your creativity shine through with this fun workshop, perfect for ALL ages! Join Julia Yates (houseplant enthusiast), to create your very own, uniquely colored House Planter. Color your house however you like with a multitude of chalk pens, then choose 2 plants and the finishing details to create your own one-of-a-kind picturesque plant-home!
This will be a hands-on, DIY, ‘make & take’ workshop where we will provide everything you need, for an upfront fee of only $10+tax. There are unlimited spots, but early registration is welcomed. Then stop by the cashier counter, day of, to get your admission ticket! We hope you, your friends, and the kiddos will join us for this workshop - drop by anytime between 10am & 12pm!
PNW, homegrown fruit is unbeatable - especially when you can pick it right from a tree in your yard! Whether you have a lot of space or just a little, you too can grow your own fruit. Trevor Cameron, C.P.H (aka plant expert), will guide you through everything you need to know to be successful with any fruit-bearing tree. We'll talk about basic care, mason bees & their benefits, pruning and more! We hope you'll join us for this FREE class that starts @ 10am!
We will be recording this class and it will be posted, at a later time, on our website. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to view past videos and to receive notification when the class gets posted.
DIY Mini Beach
January 18th anytime between10am to 12pm
*This is a ‘make & take’ style class, which requires an upfront fee. Stop by our cashier counter day of for an admission ticket*
Who doesn’t want to be at a warm, sunny beach? If you can’t make a tropical trip happen right now (we know we can’t), this is the next best thing… Create a mini beach dish garden with us to catch some island vibes & be transported to your beach fantasy every time you look at it! Join our very own Tracie (houseplant manager) for this fun workshop that is perfect for all ages; make it a family project, bring a friend or fly solo and surprise everyone (maybe even yourself too) with your creative talents!
This will be a hands-on, DIY, ‘make & take’ workshop where we will provide everything you need… One Peperomia ‘Happy Bean’, one 4” bonsai pot, mini fig, top dressings and all the stuffs for just $20! Reserve your spot ASAP by calling the nursery (space is limited to 30 people) ,then stop by the cashier counter day of to get your admission ticket! We hope you, and your friends, will join us for this workshop - stop by anytime between 10am and 12pm!
Pruning For Fruit Production
Improve the performance of your plants come springtime by properly pruning now, in the winter - it's the perfect time! Prune now to get more fruit, berries & flower production from your shrubs & trees. Join our very own Trevor Cameron, C.P.H. (aka plant expert!), to learn the basic pruning principles, when to do everything and what results you can expect - geared to guide both beginners and advanced gardeners (we're going to cover it all)! We hope you'll join us for this FREE class that starts @ 10am!
We will be recording this class and it will be posted, at a later time, on our website. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to view past videos and to receive notification when the class gets posted.
Educational classes are free & are now being held back in the nursery classroom. We are still recording all of our classes (unless it is a hands-on workshop class) & the recordings can be found here on our classes page, as well as our YouTube channel.
A ticket is not required for admission, but advanced registration is appreciated
The hands-on workshops require a fee & advanced sign-up/payment is appreciated. Please “check-in” at cashier counter for these workshops in the nursery.
Crabapple trees have adorned gardens across the globe for centuries. While some are actually grown for their edible fruits, the vast majority are enjoyed for their ornamental qualities in landscapes. Not to get all Latin on you, but…