
Perennials for Pollinators – Episode I

Perennials for Pollinators – Episode I

As we continue the celebration of Pollinator Month all June long, I am hoping all of you will pause and admire all of our little insect, hummingbird, and butterfly friends buzzing about garden flowers.  Ah… the sweet nectars of summertime!  The sun is out…

'Bee-You' Bee Balm

'Bee-You' Bee Balm

Monarda, commonly known as Bee Balm, has been a popular garden perennial for many years. Most of the modern hybrids come from two species native to the eastern United States. Today’s cultivars come in a range of colors, including…

Some Like It Hot

Some Like It Hot

Summer wouldn’t be what it is if it wasn’t for the hot, passionate side of the color spectrum that contains red, orange, and yellow. It makes the long slog through the wet and grey days of spring all worth it…

Everything You Never Wanted To Know About Fruit Tree Pollination

Everything You Never Wanted To Know About Fruit Tree Pollination

Growing fruit trees in the northwest can be a very rewarding venture. There is nothing quite like going out to the backyard and plucking a handful of tree ripened cherries or a juicy Asian pear or Japanese plum. It just doesn’t get any fresher than “straight off the tree”…

Regenerative Gardening: Saving The Planet One Garden At A Time

Regenerative Gardening: Saving The Planet One Garden At A Time

Have you heard of “regenerative agriculture”? I hadn’t until recently, but after a bit of research, I realized that this “new” movement is at its base just an expansion of organic gardening and farming principles that can be adapted from commercial agriculture to our very own backyards. Here are some components of this style of gardening that we should all take to heart…

Gardening Is For The Birds

Gardening Is For The Birds

As much as I love plants and all of what the act of gardening encompasses, watching my feathered friends fliting about the yard is truly one of the joys and bonuses of laboring in the garden. Their brightly colored feathers, melodic songs, and sometimes gravity defying antics never get boring…

You Too Can "Bee" A Pollinator Gardener

You Too Can "Bee" A Pollinator Gardener

Unless you have been living under a rock, you should be aware by now of the importance of bees (and insects in general for that matter) on our ecosystem. They are our chief pollinators, along with wasps and flies, some moths and butterflies, and even hummingbirds and bats. In the early season, one can observe our native mason bees and bumble bees working over early blooming shrubs, bulbs and perennial and later in the year, the honey bees are the dominate species in the garden. There are several things that home gardeners can do to encourage bees and other insects to come into their yard. Here are some things to consider…