The Fuchsia flower is somewhat unique in the world of gardening, sporting a pronounced corolla and often contrasting sepal color, all in a pendent-type flower. Over the eons, these are plants that have evolved right alongside their pollinating partners, the hummingbirds. They provide rich nectar for our winged friends, but also…
Captivating Coneflowers
Perennials for Pollinators - Episode III
Perennials for Pollinators - Episode II
Perennials for Pollinators – Episode I
Powering Up Your Pollinators
June has officially arrived, and as we head toward the Summer Solstice it means gardeners have some extra daylight for frivolities in the garden. More importantly, we celebrate Pollinator Month (with National Pollinator Week June 17th-23rd as a highlight), a campaign created by the Pollinator Partnership to create harmony between us humans and nature. We all need to pause and give thanks to…
'Bee-You' Bee Balm
Some Like It Hot
Evolution Coneflowers - They Just Keep Getting Better & Better
Over the last 10 years I have written several times about the attributes of our North American native, Echinacea purpurea, or what we commonly refer to as a coneflower. These tough perennials mix well with Ornamental Grasses, Sedums, Lavender, Black-eyed Susan Daisies and really, just about any summer blooming perennial that likes a hot, dry, location. And while they have been a staple on most gardens…
Crabapple trees have adorned gardens across the globe for centuries. While some are actually grown for their edible fruits, the vast majority are enjoyed for their ornamental qualities in landscapes. Not to get all Latin on you, but…