Whenever I ponder summer blooming shrubs, two have been and always will be at the front of my mind… Roses and Hydrangeas – as nothing will beat either of these for length of flowering time, all the way until frost… There is never anything wrong with more of either, but what else can I choose that will add some seasonal interest to the summer garden?…
Crape Myrtles In Washington
Hydrangeas = Summer Color!
Explore the World of Itoh Peonies
During the months of May and June one of the all-time favorite plants of local gardeners, the peony, is bursting into bloom. There are many excellent peonies available to utilize in our landscapes; including herbaceous cottage types in all sorts of colors (and varying fragrances) and larger growing tree peonies too. I would never scold anyone for growing either of these types (since I do as well), but I want to bring attention to another fabulous peony option… what is known as the intersectional or Itoh Peony.
Beautiful Barberries
The State of Zone Denial
Fatsia Japonica: a versatile evergreen shrub for the northwest
Celebrate Summerific Week
3 New “Pee Gee” Hydrangeas To Salivate Over
This happens to me every spring and it drives me crazy… I am perfectly happy with the plants I have in my garden until I see the “new and improved” versions out on the market. They all have these fancy new features that make them irresistible, and all of a sudden, my established plants start looking dull and underperforming. It’s not their fault mind you…
I am sure many of you, like me, are battling the seemingly endless procession of rabbits invading your garden. In my landscape, the cute little furry destructors are there every morning to send me off to work, and then there to welcome me home. The main perpetrators are usually…