For generations of gardeners, and certainly for me, Rhododendrons represent the arrival of spring in our local landscapes. Everywhere you drive this time of year there is a stunning Rhododendron in full bloom to catch your eye. These flowering beauties come in all sorts of…
Amazing Azaleas
One tried and true shrub for our local gardens are Azaleas - spring flowering beauties that can be utilized in many locations the landscape. These plants are brothers and sisters to Rhododendrons, offering us spectacular flowers on smaller growing plants that thrive in similar conditions. There are hundreds of options out there, including…
Believe It Or Not, Rhodies Can Be Yellow And Orange Too
April and May are high season for enjoying the gorgeous blooms of rhododendrons. They come in many colors and sizes, and for the most part, are easy to grow. While some varieties bloom as early as February, and a few others hold off until June, this is the time when the bulk of them come into their glory…
These Aren't Your Granny's Rhodies
Rhododendrons are by far one of the most spectacular blooming shrubs for northwest gardens. They come in many colors and sizes, are usually evergreen, and for the most part are easy to grow. With proper selection, a person could actually have a rhodie blooming in their garden from February through June….
Rediscover Rhododendrons
Springtime has arrived and with it, multitudes of Rhododendron blooms - our state flower that shines in every color imaginable! Along with their beautiful flowers comes interesting and attractive foliage too. Rhododendron foliages offer every shade of green, in all kinds of shapes/sizes, and some are even variegated with stunning color too. To get the complete package, look for a nice bloomer with great foliage too…
Crabapple trees have adorned gardens across the globe for centuries. While some are actually grown for their edible fruits, the vast majority are enjoyed for their ornamental qualities in landscapes. Not to get all Latin on you, but…