One of my earliest memories in the garden as a child was devouring berries, of all kinds, that my parents grew in our garden. Like growing most edibles, there is something a little extra satisfying about cultivating and then harvesting treats like blueberries and even sharing them with friends and neighbors…
Perennial Herbs You Can Grown Year 'Round
There is a surprising array of hardy herbs that we can grow in our northwest marine climate and not have to worry about replanting every spring. Many of them can actually be brought inside and placed on a bright window sill for the winter where sprigs can be plucked as needed. Left outside, many can even still be harvested throughout the winter. Here are several hardy options that I discovered while walking through our herb department this last week…
Tips For Making Your “Victory Garden” Victorious
Whatever your reason is for feeling moved to plant a vegetable garden in these times of turmoil, it’s a good idea. It is good to get out in the fresh air, get some exercise and any time spent in the garden can be therapeutic. Good intentions are all fine and good, but without positive results it might leave you hesitant to try growing your own food again in the future. All it takes is some effort and a few tips will help too. That being said, here are some tips to help your veggie growing efforts turn out successfully…
Growing Berries In The Northwest
It's Time To Think About Fruit Trees
Growing Citrus In The Pacific Northwest
I have mentioned many times over the years that I believe that we live in a horticultural paradise. There is very little we can’t grow successfully in our Pacific Northwest climate and lord knows I have tried it all at one time or another. Citrus are perfect examples of what we can pull off, if we just persevere…
It's Time To Plant Some Fall Veggies
Last week I mentioned that August was a good time to plant all sorts of plants, but I failed to mention vegetables. It might seem hard to imagine that in the heat of August we would be planting vegetable crops that thrive in the cooler time of the year, but in reality this is the time to get them established…
Time To Get The Cool Season Veggies Planted
I know it still doesn’t feel much like spring, but something magical happened this week - it actually got up to 50 degrees, and that is significant for two reasons. First, for us it feels almost comfortable to be outside working in the garden and second, when the mercury gets to 50 degrees it triggers all sorts of awakenings in the plant world. The switch gets turned on and there is no turning back. Spring has sprung!
Crabapple trees have adorned gardens across the globe for centuries. While some are actually grown for their edible fruits, the vast majority are enjoyed for their ornamental qualities in landscapes. Not to get all Latin on you, but…