Goodbye June Gloom, Hello Sumer-Blooming Perennials

Goodbye June Gloom, Hello Sumer-Blooming Perennials

It seems a bit trivial to complain about the weather considering all the political upheaval, pandemic, and social injustices that currently abound in our world, but the plain truth is that gardeners live and die by the weather, and to that end, June 2020 will go down in the record books as a real stinker. If you have been feeling a bit cranky about the weather…

Dealing With Mosquitos In The Garden

Dealing With Mosquitos In The Garden

Now that summer has arrived and we are spending more time out in our yards, it is becoming increasingly apparent that at certain times of the day we are not alone. By that I mean that the mosquitos are out in force and looking for some sustenance. Here are some techniques and more specifically, some plants that will help mitigate these annoying creatures and let us enjoy our yards without becoming victims of these flying hypodermic needles…

Feed Them And They Will Grow

Feed Them And They Will Grow

Now that the frenzy of May plant-buying is behind us, I always wonder just how many of those beautiful Mother’s Day baskets and pots full of flowers are actually still alive. Or once the thrill of the purchase is gone, how many have at least been neglected to the point of near death? You see, no matter how healthy and beautiful a plant looks when it leaves the garden center, in order to keep it looking that way, it needs to be fed…

How To Prune Weeping Plants

How To Prune Weeping Plants

Last week I wrote about pruning hedges and why it was the perfect time to accomplish that task. Continuing along that same vein, now is a very good time to tackle any weeping plants you may have, like laceleaf maples, weeping pussy willows, and just about any plant that defies gravity and grows in the exact opposite direction one would think a plant should grow…