As we head into May it is time for an extra special holiday, Mother’s Day - the day we celebrate Moms everywhere. This day was set aside to honor perhaps the most important person in each of our lives in 1914, after years of…
Stop and Smell the Roses
Is There A Rose In Your Future?
Plant A Rose For Valentine's Day
The Roses are Blooming!
It's Time To Plant Roses
It’s that time of year again when garden centers fill their benches back up with a whole new crop of bare root roses. Our crews have spent the last several weeks carefully pruning and planting several thousand of them so they can be taken home and lovingly plunged into your gardens. Please remember that roses are seasonal and they are only ordered once a year, so when they are gone, they are gone until another year comes along. Here are some tips on how to grow fabulous roses in our maritime climate…
Bare Root Roses Have Arrived
A lot happens behind the scenes in a garden center in the month of January. Most of it isn’t very glamorous and frankly is just plain hard work. The weather is always cold and usually wet, sometimes even snowy. And yet, the arrival and planting of bare root roses is one of those activities that is probably the most looked forward to for garden center employees - a rite of passage some would say…
What The Heck Is The Difference Between Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora & Floribunda Roses?
I had an interesting conversation with a customer a few weeks ago. She was of Asian decent and was raving about our Hybrid Tea Roses. I understood her to say that she was amazed at the variety of roses that she could make tea from. I presumed she was talking about using the rose hips to make tea, but she clarified for me what she meant…
Crabapple trees have adorned gardens across the globe for centuries. While some are actually grown for their edible fruits, the vast majority are enjoyed for their ornamental qualities in landscapes. Not to get all Latin on you, but…