As I drive home each day and gaze upon landscape after landscape (including my own of course), I tend to wonder many things…
Overcome the “Dead of Winter” in your Garden
On Being "Thank-full"
Daylight Saving Time — Can we please just make up our minds?
It was 20 years ago in the spring that I wrote my first diatribe about the ill effects of daylight-saving time and how, while I love being on daylight-saving time, it is the change that gives me so much grief. The same can be said for the fall when we go back onto standard time. I don’t know how you feel about all of this, but I still feel the same as I did 20 years ago and for me the…
Yes, We Do Need To Reduce Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
In a recent letter to the editor in the Everett Herald, the author claims that because plants need carbon to function it is insane to be attempting to reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. They detail the delicate balance between plants that take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen and animals that take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. So far, so good. But then they say that reducing carbon will reduce the plant population since photosynthesis will be restricted - this is where I have to disagree…
October In The Garden - Time to tuck and roll
I am not sure what happened to “Fall”. It seems like in September we went from summer to winter in a matter of just a few days. The current cool and rainy days feel more like November than September and I can only wonder what the month of October will be like. I am hoping for a few more balmy, sunny days with some spectacular fall color. Whatever we get, it is important to…
Snippin' And Clippin'
If your garden is anything like mine, then you are probably busy watering, staking, checking for bugs and diseases, harvesting veggies and fruits and bouquets of flowers, and planting - at least those are the things that we all should be doing in August if we want to call ourselves gardeners. I don’t think anyone ever manages to accomplish all the gardening chores they set out to do, but we should at least give it the old college try. Just for fun, here are some of the things I have been doing in my garden…
It's The Summer Of Love
I don’t know what it is about the months of July and August, but it seems like every year about this time I fall in love with my garden all over again. For me, the spring season is more of a puppy love or infatuation, but the summer months are when true love really blossoms, both literally and figuratively. It’s when my garden loves me back with all of its beauty and splendor…
How To Plant In Summer
A few weeks back I was harping about why gardeners don’t bother with compost and fertilizer when they are planting. This week I feel the need to talk about the importance of good planting practices. No matter where you purchase your plant material, I can guarantee you they will croak if it they aren’t planted properly. Here are some of my tips to help you succeed…
Compost and Fertilizer - A Boring But Necessary Topic
It pains me to see customers spending hundreds of dollars on new plants and simultaneously refusing to spend a few more on a bag or two of compost and a box of starter fertilizer. These two items are not unnecessary “add-ons” that the retailer is just trying to add to the sale, they are critical components of a successful transplanting process - or as I like to refer to them as “plant insurance”. Unless you have phenomenal soil, you should always add compost and starter fertilizers when you are planting new plants. Here is why…
I thought it might be a nice change of pace to move indoors this week and talk about some of the outstanding tropical plants that we can grow in our homes. As the rain pounds on the roof while I write this, a tropical destination does sound nice… perhaps with golf clubs in tow and my camera in hand to take a bazillion photos of all the cool plants I encounter… Sorry, got distracted there for a moment. As you consider which tropicals to cultivate indoors, keep in mind that many of them love to do one of two things…