My hope from last week is that I got everyone’s pruning juices flowing. This week I will attempt to build on that momentum and get into some more specifics. If you got outside in this wonderfully cold and sunny weather and started your personal pruning battle plan, pat yourself on the back! You have earned a gold star and embarked on a journey to pruning success. If you haven’t, don’t worry, there is still time…
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly – Proper Pruning in Winter Part One
Hellebores - The Winter Jewel
Cultivating Camellias
Find Your Balance Between Neat and Natural
Overcome the “Dead of Winter” in your Garden
We're Over The Hump
Lessons From The Garden
I am feeling a bit philosophical today, so bear with me. Last week I finally bit the bullet and got into the garden for my spring cleanup. I had purposely left everything in the fall to die back naturally, as normally happens in nature. In retrospect, I think it was a good idea as it provided lots of visual interest throughout the entire winter. But alas, the time has come to remove the dead and rotting foliage from my perennials and evaluate just exactly what survived and what needed to be replaced. Here is what I learned…
March Madness (In The Garden!)
Recess Is Over, It’s Time For Action
After this last hard freeze, I am hoping that the worst is behind us and we can confidently get out into the garden and whip things back into shape. While I realize February is still technically winter, it is also the beginning of spring for north westerners, and there is much to do before the actual spring season arrives. Here are some timely tasks to consider…
Crabapple trees have adorned gardens across the globe for centuries. While some are actually grown for their edible fruits, the vast majority are enjoyed for their ornamental qualities in landscapes. Not to get all Latin on you, but…