Crabapple trees have adorned gardens across the globe for centuries. While some are actually grown for their edible fruits, the vast majority are enjoyed for their ornamental qualities in landscapes. Not to get all Latin on you, but…
Snippin' And Clippin'
If your garden is anything like mine, then you are probably busy watering, staking, checking for bugs and diseases, harvesting veggies and fruits and bouquets of flowers, and planting - at least those are the things that we all should be doing in August if we want to call ourselves gardeners. I don’t think anyone ever manages to accomplish all the gardening chores they set out to do, but we should at least give it the old college try. Just for fun, here are some of the things I have been doing in my garden…
What Exactly Is A "Tree"?
What is the image that comes to your mind when I say the word ‘tree’? Is it one of our towering conifers like a Doug Fir or Western Red Cedar, or maybe our native Big Leaf Maple? Or perhaps your thoughts go to the mighty Oak or Weeping Willow or Sycamore. These are all large specimens that have the classic morphology of what most of us think of as a tree. But, can a ‘tree’ also be…
Crabapple trees have adorned gardens across the globe for centuries. While some are actually grown for their edible fruits, the vast majority are enjoyed for their ornamental qualities in landscapes. Not to get all Latin on you, but…