Climbers In The Garden

Climbers In The Garden

Anyone who has followed me over the years knows that one of my many mantras is “There is always room for one more plant”.  No matter how packed my garden is, on any given day I can find a little patch of bare earth that is just screaming for something to be planted in it.  My wife often fondly refers to me as her “hortiholic with a planting addiction” and I suppose it is true…

Cone Flowers Continue To Thrill The Summer Garden

Cone Flowers Continue To Thrill The Summer Garden

I know I mentioned last week that I always hesitate to spend too much ink on just one variety of plant, so it was my intention to discuss some summer chores for us to complete this month….  However, I found myself distracted by an article in the September edition of my wife’s ‘The English Garden’ magazine about the glories of the perennial Echinacea, or as we Yanks prefer to call them, cone flowers.  That got me to thinking about this wonderful late summer bloomer…

Crocosmia Pack A Lot Of Punch In The Summer

Crocosmia Pack A Lot Of Punch In The Summer

It is always hard for me to focus in on one variety of plant this time of year.  There are so many fabulous summer blooming perennials (and a surprising number of shrubs) that are strutting their stuff in the months of July and August, that to dedicate a whole column to one variety seems impossible and maybe even a little unfair.  But fair or not, this little treatise is going to zoom in on the genus Crocosmia - mostly because they are coming into full bloom now and there isn’t a day that goes by that someone doesn’t come into the store with a sample flower (that they probably liberated from someone’s garden) and want to know what it is….

Hardy Fuchsias Are So Much More Than A Shade Plant

Hardy Fuchsias Are So Much More Than A Shade Plant

If you are looking for a perennial that will bloom from June until frost, will tolerate full sun or part shade, comes back every spring (unless Mother Nature is really nasty to us) and makes a wonderful companion to so many other plants, then what you need is a hardy fuchsia!  They are hard to beat for nonstop blooms all summer long…

The Art Of Watering

The Art Of Watering

There is a certain fact that northwest gardeners are going to have to start embracing: our summers are getting longer and drier and our plants are only going to get more and more moisture stressed.  It is up to us to help our landscapes get through the summer months, so here are the basics of proper watering.  Yes, I know this could turn out to be a real snoozer, but it’s important, it could mean the difference between life and death for your plants…

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Lavender

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Lavender

I couldn’t help but notice the other day while driving around town, that lavender was coming into bloom.  That of course got me thinking about growing lavender, choosing varieties, and how to actually use the plant other than just to look at it.  It turns out lavender has been in production for over 2500 years and there is quite a bit of info out there to share…

Four Good Reasons To Plant In June

Four Good Reasons To Plant In June

When we think of getting out and gardening, the month of May most likely comes to mind.  There is no question that May is a glorious month on our northwest calendar to be outside and in the yard.  But for me, mostly because I own a garden center, May is shear madness with so much going on that it is all I can do to find a moment here and there to pull a few weeds and plant a few cool season veggies.  June, on the other hand, is when I really get to play in my yard, for all sorts of reasons… you should too!

Dark Foliaged Plants For That Shady Spot

Dark Foliaged Plants For That Shady Spot

I don’t think that I am alone when I say that I am drawn to plants with foliage that is anything other than green. Anyone looking for dark foliage that does well in shade is hard pressed to find many options. If your search for dark foliaged plants for shade has left you frustrated, look no more. Here are a few choices that are well worth incorporating into your garden…

Canna Lilies - Bold, Gaudy Perennials For The Flamboyant Gardener

Canna Lilies - Bold, Gaudy Perennials For The Flamboyant Gardener

Okay, I’ll admit it…  I have always had a love affair with cannas.  Having grown up in southern California, cannas were a staple item in the landscape.  The large growing varieties that reached 6 to 8 feet tall were seen throughout most of the public parks where they were used in formal plantings…