Spring Gardening

What Exactly Is A "Tree"?

What Exactly Is A "Tree"?

What is the image that comes to your mind when I say the word ‘tree’?  Is it one of our towering conifers like a Doug Fir or Western Red Cedar, or maybe our native Big Leaf Maple?  Or perhaps your thoughts go to the mighty Oak or Weeping Willow or Sycamore.  These are all large specimens that have the classic morphology of what most of us think of as a tree.  But, can a ‘tree’ also be…

Coping With The Weather

Coping With The Weather

There is an old expression that goes like this: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” I would add that when Mother Nature give us incessant rainfall and unseasonably low temperatures, we should plant more bog or moisture-loving plants. At least the plants will be happy, even if we aren’t….

Why Am I Still Wearing A Turtleneck?

Why Am I Still Wearing A Turtleneck?

It was 17 years ago in early June when I wrote a column entitled “Are you cranky too?”. It started out like this: “WARNING: Nothing in this week’s column is of horticultural value. The reason is because I am in a totally cranky mood. You might be feeling the same too…

Oh, The Exhilaration Of New Spring Growth

Oh, The Exhilaration Of New Spring Growth

April is a floriferous month to be sure, but along with all those glorious rhodies, tulips, daffodils, flowering cherries and magnolias, there is also an amazing array of new foliage emerging from both evergreen plants as well as deciduous ones. Personally, I find these foliar displays just as exciting as the floral ones….

Introducing 'Ruby Gold' Bleeding Heart

Introducing 'Ruby Gold' Bleeding Heart

All I can say is “Wow” when it comes to this new Bleeding Heart that is now available to gardeners in the Pacific Northwest. But first, a little background on Bleeding Hearts in general…

Do You Have Spring Fever?

Do You Have Spring Fever?

Something special happened in the garden this last week. We experienced the vernal equinox, a time when we receive exactly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night… Once we hit this spot, when our day lengths start to exceed our night lengths, we can expect to experience magical things happening in the garden…

Some Undeniable Signs That Spring Is In The Air

Some Undeniable Signs That Spring Is In The Air

I think we all know that the road to spring is never a straight line. Once we pass the winter solstice in December, the days do indeed get longer and longer with increasing periods of sunshine and warmer temperatures. But along that path there are constant detours and a few potholes to navigate…