This happens to me every spring and it drives me crazy… I am perfectly happy with the plants I have in my garden until I see the “new and improved” versions out on the market. They all have these fancy new features that make them irresistible, and all of a sudden, my established plants start looking dull and underperforming. It’s not their fault mind you…
Introducing 'Ruby Gold' Bleeding Heart
New & Exciting Ferns From Monrovia Nurseries
More New Goodies For 2020
Back in late September of this year, I introduced you to several new shrubs for 2020 and promised to continue later this fall with several more new introductions. After reading through the November/December edition of Horticulture (one of many gardening magazines that my wife and I subscribe to) I have cherry picked a few to expound upon. As our gardens go into dormancy for the winter, what could possibly be better than to dream about new plants for the coming season. Happy salivating!
What's New For 2020
Back in March of this year, I introduced you to several new plants for the 2019 season that were sure to be hits in your garden. While most garden centers will be sold out of these this time of year, there are new plants for 2020 coming in with fall deliveries. Remember, anything you plant now will take off like a rocket come springtime, so don’t hesitate to plug up any blank spots in the garden (or maybe even yank out a few poor performers) and plunge in some newbies…
Crabapple trees have adorned gardens across the globe for centuries. While some are actually grown for their edible fruits, the vast majority are enjoyed for their ornamental qualities in landscapes. Not to get all Latin on you, but…