Spring Gardening

Establishing Clematis In The Garden

Establishing Clematis In The Garden

Some say “tomayto” and some say “tomahto”, some say “CLEMatis” and some say “CleMAtis”. I say, who cares! No matter how you pronounce it, Clematis are the absolute queen of all vines and everyone that gardens should find a way to work in as many varieties as possible into their yards….

Flowering Crabapples You Can Fall In Love With

Flowering Crabapples You Can Fall In Love With

We are blessed with an extended parade of flowering trees in our northwest spring. Starting in February, we get to enjoy the flowering plums and flowering pears followed by all sorts of flowering cherries and several forms of magnolias. But as we move closer to the end of April, the pickings can get slim. Fortunately, this is exactly when the flowering crabapples come into bloom…

Spring Is Fast Approaching - Time To Get Some Dirt Under Those Fingernails

Spring Is Fast Approaching - Time To Get Some Dirt Under Those Fingernails

Let’s face it, compared to other regions of our country, we have it pretty darn good when it comes to winter.  Occasional snow rarely sticks around for more than a week or two, night time lows are usually above freezing and the day temps can even get up into the 50’s.  Nothing stays dormant for very long, in fact we can have quite of variety of plants that actually bloom in our mild maritime winters.  Life is good if you are a gardener in the northwest….

Time To Get Crackin'

Time To Get Crackin'

As much as I would love to talk about reblooming hydrangeas and other wonderful blooming plants, the fact is that the weather is finally cooperating for us gardeners to get a bunch of chores done and I fully intend to work myself into a state of blissful exhaustion.  After the wettest March on record and a very cold and soggy April, it is time to get caught up - here is what I will be doing over the next 30 days…

Spring Is Awesome

Spring Is Awesome

I know it is probably raining in your garden and will be for at least another week, but I have to tell you that the last two weeks (particularly the weekends) were just amazing!  I would sincerely hope that you all share my feelings.  It just blows me away that even at the crusty old age of 70 I am still overwhelmed by the magic of spring.  Perhaps it is just my inner child coming through, but there is not one day in the spring when I walk through my garden that I don’t find something that literally leaves me awestruck.  Spring is truly awesome…