
Going Vertical With Vines

Going Vertical With Vines

Going vertical with climbing plants adds visual interest to any garden, providing nice foliage and often ideal seasonal flower power.  There are useful vines out there in all kinds of shapes and sizes; some for larger areas and others to use as smaller garden accents, or even as simple container specimens.  Whether you are trying to grow on a decorative trellis or obelisk, up a post, along a railing, over a large pergola or arbor, or even naturalize something along a fence line, vines may be exactly what you are looking for…

Untangling Clematis Pruning

Untangling Clematis Pruning

In my new garden I have managed to find homes for 11 different clematis vines, so far anyway… When I picked out the various varieties, I wasn’t thinking about how I would have to prune them.  Rather, I was mostly looking for summer bloomers with flower color, with the exception…

Establishing Clematis In The Garden

Establishing Clematis In The Garden

Some say “tomayto” and some say “tomahto”, some say “CLEMatis” and some say “CleMAtis”. I say, who cares! No matter how you pronounce it, Clematis are the absolute queen of all vines and everyone that gardens should find a way to work in as many varieties as possible into their yards….