For the last two years I have been missing one of my favorite activities this time of year… wreath making at my favorite garden center! Before the pandemic, wreath making had become an annual ritual for our family - it was part of our holiday season festivities, and to a large part helped get us into the mood. Well, I am happy to report that Sunnyside Nursery (along with several other garden centers in the area) are now offering this activity once again, and I for one can’t wait to reserve a spot. Here is a little information about what goes on behind the scenes to make this all happen…
I often refer to myself as a “plant enabler”, a sort of legal dealer that tries his best to hook his customers up with the best plants for their landscapes. Plants are easy to get addicted to, believe me, and running a garden center means you are surrounded on a daily basis by treasures that beckon you to take them home, plant them, and watch them flourish - even if you are out of room, just ask my poor wife. If I jump in a time machine to some 30 years ago, I can see…