
Winter Interest with Evergreen Perennials

Winter Interest with Evergreen Perennials

First off, let me apologize for using the word “winter” in the title as I sincerely hope that our actual “winter” is still many weeks away.  Having said that, as we head towards the holiday season, it is an ideal time for gardeners to look forward just a bit.  Frost will be coming soon, and Mother Nature will require...

The Fabulous Fall Color Season

The Fabulous Fall Color Season

In our PNW climate, there is so much to appreciate about the fall season.  Gardeners are in the midst of harvesting their summer bounties of edibles and getting their gardens ready for the coming winter, all the while pondering where to move this plant, when to divide that one, and where to add something new.  As we have been discussing the last few weeks...

Ornamental Grasses: Plumage and Fall Color

Ornamental Grasses: Plumage and Fall Color

Ornamental grasses provide many desirable qualities to our home landscapes and containers, especially in the fall season.  They add wonderful texture, color and structure, and when the breeze blows they also add motion and sound to any garden.  There are essentially two types...