Back To (Gardening) School - Fall Semester Is Beginning

Summer is just about over and the kids are all going back to school.  And guess what?  It’s time for gardeners to go back to school too!   While I realize that many of us are tired of mowing the lawn and dragging the hose all over the place, Fall is a great opportunity for us to catch our second wind and take advantage of very favorable weather patterns for establishing new plantings.  To help everyone get the most out of this season here is a listing of some of our class offerings for the fall:


Growing Fall Veggies — August 27:  Yes, I realize that this class happened last week but it’s time to get excited for the new harvest season!  Come in and pick up the Maritime Northwest Garden Guide by Seattle Tilth and learn about appropriate choices for the season, crop rotation, extending the season, overwintering crops and other tidbits of interest for cool-season gardeners. This publication is the bible for growing fruits and vegetables in the northwest and it is only $16.95


Fall Containers — Sept 3:  There is no need to look at pots of dirt for the next 6 months.   Fall is the time for foliage! Join us to learn all about how to revamp your containers with fall foliage.  We will teach you all about the best plants to combine together for dramatic color and texture to liven up your pots for the fall season. This is a wonderful class you won't want to miss that will help you create your very own one-of-a-kind, unique fall containers.  


Ornamental Grasses — Sept 10:  Inspiring, beautiful, easy-to-grow and even low maintenance, grasses really are easy garden magic (just don’t go near them with Round-Up or the string trimmer). Learn how you can best incorporate these great additions into your garden now!  


Fall and Winter Lawn Care — Sept 17:  After the scorching heat of August you are going to want to take this class for sure.  The perfect time for rejuvenating the lawn is the fall! Come learn how to get your lawn healthy and tidy going into winter.  We will discuss aerating, de-thatching, reseeding, weed, disease and insect control and what kinds of fertilizers and lime to apply.


Fall and Winter Interest — Sept 24:  Want an attractive yard all year long?  Come discover the best plants for vivid fall color and winter interest, from foliage to twig colors to berries to blooms - join us to see which plants shine in the fall and winter months.


Attracting Birds in the Winter — Sept 25:  This is one of our few Sunday classes.  Any time is a good time to provide for our backyard birds, plus it's enjoyable for us too!  Come learn how to create a 'bird safe haven' in your yard for the winter.  We will teach you about the most important elements you need and how to create them to attract birds to your yard throughout the winter season. 


The above classes are just what we are offering in September.  There are more in October and even into November.  All of our classes on Saturday start at 10am and Sunday classes start at 11am.  Classes are free, last about one hour and you can register online at or call the nursery at 425-334-2002.  Be sure to check out the other garden centers in the area for their list of classes as well.