Hydrangea macrophyllas, commonly known as 'Bigleaf Hydrangeas', are ideal for almost any shade setting & are prized for its large flowers and dense foliage.

Check out some of the many varieties we have to offer...

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Bright white flowers age to green above luscious dark green foliage, providing striking contrast in the garden. The firm mophead blooms are heat and burn resistant. The vigorous habit is perfect for filling in beds in a romantic cottage garden. Blooms on old wood in the summer & reaches roughly 3 feet tall by 4 feet wide in size.


Beautiful cupped florets, that resemble Lilac flowers, open cream-white then turn a pale, sky blue to light pink, depending on how acidic the soil. One of the only hydrangeas to have a delicate light fragrance when in bloom. Blooms in summer & reaches roughly 6 feet tall by 6 feet wide in size.



In mid summer it will glow with large flat flowers composed of very wide deep blue to indigo sterile florets surrounding tiny fertile flowers even deeper in hue. The color holds well providing a flash of brilliant color through the summer. Its bold foliage is a great textural contrast to other surrounding shade plants.  Reaches roughly 5 feet tall by 7 feet wide in size.


BloomChampion Rosso Glory

A lovely mophead hydrangea with bright purple blooms with lime-green accents in our acidic soil. This reblooming variety flowers for 3 months or more, from early summer into fall. A sturdy plant with strong stems and firm flowers. Reaches roughly 3 feet tall by 3 feet wide in size.

BloomChampion Vibrate Verde

Incredible flower power, with 6 months of color-changing blooms. Each flower is blue in our acidic soils, fading to white and accented with bright green edges. As the seasons go on, blooms age to rosy red with green centers. The small size is excellent for patio containers or in borders. Reaches roughly 3 feet tall by 3 feet wide in size.


Blue Enchantress

Striking ruby-black stems support big mophead flowers on this exquisite re-blooming hydrangea. A superb border shrub for color throughout summer; blue in acidic soils & pink in more alkaline soils. Flowers age to a vintage cream-splashed green color. Prized for cut or dried flower arrangements. A deciduous shrub that blooms in the summer & reaches roughly 5 feet tall by 5 feet wide in size.

Cherry Go Around

Richly colored cherry-red flowers adorn this compact plant that is perfect for containers & small spaces. A touch of purple appears on new foliage & it is more sun tolerant than other varieties. A re-bloomer that initially blooms in summer & reaches roughly 3 feet tall by 4 feet wide in size.

Photo courtesy of Eshraghi Nursery


Double Down

Not only does this variety re-bloom, but its flowers are truly unique. Fully double, bright blue, mophead flowers start to open in summer and persist through early fall. Double Down® maintains a compact, well-behaved habit, making it perfect for small gardens and containers. A re-bloomer that initially blooms in summer & reaches roughly 4 feet tall by 4 feet wide in size.

Photo courtesy of Star Roses & Plants


Everlasting Amethyst

Produces long-lasting flowers that are great for cutting for bouquets. Large limey-pink blooms change to a soft violet with time. Blooms in the summer & reaches roughly 4 feet tall by 4 feet wide.

Everlasting Bride

Produces stunning pure white flowers that nod to lace & pearls and age into lime green tones. An excellent cut flower with hardy blooms & sturdy stems. Has deeply colored, almost leathery foliage that is a nice contrast to the flowers. A deciduous shrub that blooms in the summer & reaches roughly 3 feet tall by 3 feet wide in size.


Everlasting Crimson

A compact grower whose deep crimson to purple flowers age with lime tones. Has long lasting, rich color that delights throughout the entire season. Complete with strong stems & dark green leaves. A deciduous shrub that blooms in the summer & reaches roughly 3 feet tall by 3 feet wide in size.

Everlasting Revolution

Exquisite long lasting flowers contain a magical color combination of deep pink, maroon and true blue with green hues as they age. With sturdy mophead blooms on thick, upright stems, each stem is a bouquet on its own! Blooms on old and new wood, truly a blooming machine that is certain to please. A deciduous shrub that blooms in the summer & reaches roughly 3 feet tall by 3 feet wide in size.


Fairytrail Green

The Fairytrail® series of cascading hydrangeas are known for their graceful arching branches, each node topped with a big gorgeous bloom. Meaning you get a fluffed up, fountain-like mass of flowers in the late spring. A brand new way to enjoy hydrangeas! Fairytrail® Green, in particular, features cool, lime-green flowers. It is well suited for containers, hanging baskets, and areas in the landscape where it can drape dramatically, like at the top of a retaining wall. Blooms in the summer & reaches roughly 5 feet tall by 5 feet wide in size.

Photo courtesy of Proven Winners


Fairytrail White

The Fairytrail® series of cascading hydrangeas are known for their graceful arching branches, each node topped with a big gorgeous bloom. Meaning you get a fluffed up, fountain-like mass of flowers in the late spring. A brand new way to enjoy hydrangeas! Fairytrail® White in particular features white mophead flowers. Well suited for containers, hanging baskets, and areas in the landscape where it can drape dramatically, like at the top of a retaining wall. Blooms in the summer & reaches roughly 4 feet tall by 4 feet wide in size.

Photo courtesy of Proven Winners


An impressive & unique variety with blue to purple double lace cap flowers & medium-green foliage that rounds out the shrub. A repeat bloomer that initially blooms in the summer & reaches roughly 5 feet tall by 5 feet wide in size.



Produces mop head flowers that have a strong red edge with cream in the center, pairing nicely with its lush green foliage. A re-bloomer that initially blooms in the summer & reaches roughly 4 feet tall by 4 feet wide in size.

Glowing Embers

Large rounded clusters of enchanting pink blooms that cover this upright, rounded shrub from summer through fall. It makes a charming companion to evergreen shrubs in foundation plantings or mass planted under tall trees.  Reaches roughly 6 to 8 feet tall by 6 to 8 feet wide in size.


Grin and Tonic

Elegant, bright and lively, the blooms emerge lime green and age to a refreshing bright white. A re-bloomer that initially blooms in the summer & reaches roughly 3 feet tall by 3 feet wide in size.


Hi ‘Fire’

Incredible, deeply saturated blooms are a deep purple color with a bright blue eye in our acidic soil. Exceptionally strong stems make for a sturdy plant. Perfect for creating a classic cottage look. The larger size will quickly fill in empty spaces. A re-bloomer that initially blooms in the summer & reaches roughly 5 feet tall by 5 feet wide in size.

Hi’ White Sun’

A reblooming, mop-head hydrangea with big, crisp white flower heads. Exceptionally strong stems make for a sturdy plant. Perfect for creating a classic cottage look. The larger size will quickly fill in empty spaces. An excellent cut flower. A re-bloomer that initially blooms in the summer & reaches roughly 5 feet tall by 5 feet wide in size.

Photo courtesy of Monrovia


Horwack Pistachio

New next Generation Pistachio series introduction that has an exciting color combo. A re-blooming variety that makes the perfect accent in the landscape or containers. Habit is compact, rounded & blooms summer until frost.  Reaches roughly 2 to 3 feet tall by 3 to 5 feet wide in size.


Has spectacular bi-color blooms that are paired, and contrast beautifully, with burgundy foliage. Does well in pots & is a repeat bloomer. Blooms in the summer & reaches roughly 3 feet tall by 3 feet wide.


LA Dreamin'

A unique show-stopper that has spectacular colors of pinks, blues, and everything in between, all on one plant! It is beautiful and versatile, looking great in both the garden or planted in a decorative container. A repeat bloomer that blooms in the summer & reaches roughly 4 feet tall by 4 feet wide in size.

Photo courtesy of Eshraghi Nursery


Lime Lovebird

One of the stronger re-blooming mophead Hydrangeas, flowering from early summer to first frost. Green flowers turn to beautiful shades of pink. Reaches roughly 4 feet tall by 4 feet wide in size.

Miss Saori

Long lasting, sizable flowers with unique, double blooms with variegated petals. Cream colored flowers edged with pink pop against deep green foliage & make great cut flowers. Blooms begin in June and arrive on new wood. Full to partial sunlight is best. A repeat bloomer that reaches roughly 4 feet tall by 4 feet wide in size.


My Beautiful Diva

Produces beautiful & unusual bi-color mophead blooms whose petals are bright blue with white edges. The long-lasting flowers are held on strong stems & the compact size is perfect for filling in beds in a romantic cottage garden. Blooms on old wood in the summer & reaches roughly 3 feet tall by 3 feet wide.

My Beautiful Spitfire

Big mophead blooms feature bright blue coloring with randomly splashed purple variegation. Perfect for filling in beds in a romantic cottage garden. A rebloomer that reaches roughly 4 feet tall by 4 feet wide in size.


Nikko Blue

A well-loved & vigorous cultivar with large, rounded flower heads of a rich, gorgeous blue.  A low maintenance, moderate grower that is great for beds, borders, containers & cuttings.  Blooms in the summer & reaches roughly 4 to 6 feet tall by 4 to 6 feet wide in size.

Photo courtesy of Bailey Nurseries


Pink Elf

Small, but bold! Numerous, richly colored, rose-pink mophead blooms on a dwarf plant ideal for containers and borders. Use as a showy accent to brighten small, shady spaces. Long-lasting blooms are excellent as cut flowers. Blooms in the summer & reaches roughly 2 feet tall by 3 feet wide in size.


Numerous pink-blushed, snowball flowers age to shades of lilac and crimson. As the flowers deepen in color, so does the foliage! It prefers cool, moist soils, perfect for the Pacific Northwest! Blooms in the late summer & reaches roughly 5 feet tall by 5 feet wide.

Photo courtesy of Blooming Nursery


Red Wing

Boasts flat, lace-cap clusters of vibrantly colored flowers in the summer.  Plants bloom on the previous year’s wood, so pruning should occur only immediately after they flower.  A great landscape shrub for informal hedges, partially shaded borders and spacious foundation beds. Its blooms make wonderful, long-lasting cut flowers too.  Reaches roughly 5 to 7 feet tall by 6 to 8 feet wide.


Produces huge, light blue individual florets that look like stars, along with so many flowers throughout the season, that the entire plant looks like a galaxy of blooms. A rebloomer that reaches roughly 3 feet tall by 3 feet wide in size.



Continuous blooms forming on old & new wood along with mildew tolerance, set this lacecap apart from other hydrangeas. You will never get tired of these perfect, double blooms that are white with star pink or star blue centers. It blooms in the summer & reaches roughly 4 feet tall by 5 feet wide in size.


Teller Red

An old fashioned type variety that has huge lace cap, vibrant flowers. Remove old twiggy branches & prune yearly to encourage new growth & flowers. Blooms in the summer & reaches roughly 6 feet tall by 6 feet wide in size.

Turtle Toes

Produces stunning shamrock green florets that have serrated petals with white centers. Leaves are dark green. A rebloomer that reaches roughly 4 feet tall by 4 feet wide in size.

Photo courtesy of Eshraghi Nursery



Produces beautifully vibrant pink blooms that contrast nicely with its striking dark foliage - varies with PH levels in soil. A rebloomer that reaches roughly 4 feet tall by 4 feet wide in size.

Tuxedo Black Tie

The darkest foliage of the Tuxedo® series, creating an eye-catching plant, even when not in bloom. Almost completely black leaves back beautiful mophead flowers. Sturdy stems that don't flop make for a nice, compact form, great in containers or garden beds. A rebloomer that reaches roughly 4 feet tall by 4 feet wide in size.


Wedding Gown

An exceptional hybrid with fully double blooms, notably strong stems, a well-mounded form, and lush dark green foliage. Blooms spring through fall. Each flower cluster transforms into an exquisite, pristine white bridal bouquet as a stunning outer ring of large blooms first unfolds, followed by lovely smaller inner blooms. Reaches roughly 2 to 3 feet tall & 3 to 5 feet wide in size.

Wee Bit Innocent

If soft colors are the foundation of your garden palette, you will love Wee Bit Innocent™ hydrangea. Its lush mophead blooms fill with pastel pinks, blues, and purples. It is a soft, pillowy place for your eyes to rest in the summer garden. It even reblooms a bit in the fall! You’ll get to enjoy the intricate doubled florets for months.   Blooms in summer & reaches roughly 3 feet tall by 3 feet wide in size.

Photo courtesy of Proven Winners


Endless Summer Collection

 This collection is made up of Hydrangea macrophyllas (i.e. Big Leaf Hydrangeas) that are one-of-a-kind re-blooming garden hydrangeas. More blooms, more color, more wow!

Let’s Dance Series

 This series represents the next generation of re-blooming hydrangeas with vivid flower coloration and attractive, glossy foliage.


Seaside Serenade Series

This new collection of Big Leaf hydrangeas improves on traditional varieties with its compact habit, reliable re-blooming, studier stems & thicker leaves.

Get back to the other shade hydrangeas, right here!

Check out the sun hydrangeas, HERE!

Get our 2025 Hydrangea List, right here!

*Our availability changes constantly, so please contact us for more detailed information*