The Robins Are Here

One of the many signs of spring, besides the annoying ritual of “springing ahead” with our clocks, is the return of flocks of American robins.  While I saw a couple of pairs back in February, it was just this week that I observed multiple numbers of them in my garden.  This got me thinking about how robins know when to return to the Pacific Northwest and after a little research I learned some intriguing facts...

How Do Plants Survive Freezes?

This recent spate of freezing temperatures has got me thinking about how some plants in my garden seem to be unfazed while others turn to mush.  I find it fascinating that the flowers on my witch hazel, Cornelian cherry, Sarcococca, and even my beloved winter daphne haven’t skipped a beat while the early blooms of the Christmas Cheer and Olive rhodies and Camellias have turned completely brown.  Some plants just seem to be better adapted to dealing with freezing temperatures.  Why is this?  

More Things To Do!

Considering all the rain that we have received lately, it is probably safe to assume that most of us have not completed the tasks I wrote about last week.  I managed to hoe out some of my shot weed and spent one hour pruning some shrubs, but that was about it.  Hopefully the rest of you were able to do a little better.  Just in case you have run out of chores, here are a few more to consider...

February To-Do List

Okay folks, it’s time to get serious about gardening again.  Like I mentioned last time, it feela to me like we are going to have an early spring (unless it continues to rain like crazy and it stays dark, in which case it will be a late spring!  How’s that for some confusing information?)  Actually, when it is all said and done, spring never varies by more than a week or two, so I guess it is a moot point.  Here are a couple of areas to focus on for this week.  There will be more to come later…

This Is Your Last Chance To Goof Off

Like last week, I am giving you permission to lay low and take it easy for the rest of this month, but watch out!  Based on what is happening in my garden, I am going to predict that we will have an early spring.  The snow drops growing under my Winter Hazel have been blooming for 3 weeks now and my beloved Winter Daphne is just about to break bud - both of these being 2 weeks ahead of schedule.  The mild winter is causing a lot of plants to wake up early and we just might need to be ready to do the same thing....

What Every Gardener Really Wants

You’ve seen the ads this time of year, every car dealer is running them nonstop.  You can’t escape them.  It’s the one where it’s Christmas morning and out in the driveway is a brand new car with a giant red bow on it.  The family is ecstatic and jumping all over the place.  Their wildest dreams have come true and now their life is complete.  Clearly, this is not the home of a gardener....