My November To-Do List

Before I bombard you with an endless list of chores for this month I want to make sure you take the time to appreciate this fall.  It has been one of the finest I can remember.  We can thank the warm summer and dry fall for the most fantastic parade of oranges, yellows, reds, and purples that I have ever seen.  The lack of a heavy frost has also allowed those colorful leaves to hang around much longer, so enjoy them while they last.  It just doesn’t get any better than this.  Now, onto the “List”…

Fall Is A Magical Time In The Garden

As we move into the holidays I am keenly aware that it gets harder and harder for me to motivate you to play in the garden.  I get it.  You have been moving hoses around all summer, mowing the lawn every week, now you are sick and tired of it.  But I would propose that the beauty of the fall is that you no longer have to deal with the mundane tasks of mowing and watering and can concentrate on the fun stuff like...

Fall Bloomers For The Shade Garden

Recently a good friend of mine complimented me on my column about late summer bloomers for the sunny border but lamented that she only had shade in her yard and couldn’t take advantage of my advice.  So for her benefit and anyone else that is faced with an overabundance of shade, here are some bloomers that will liven up any dark corner of the yard this time of the year...