Banishing Boring Yards - March Edition

As we move into March the pace of activity in the garden accelerates and the number of interesting plants that could keep our gardens from being boring increases.  With the mild winter we seem to be about two weeks ahead of schedule, so there are lots of opportunities for adding interest to the garden.  Here are some standouts for a “typical” March...

Double Take Flowering Quince - The New & Improved Model

I just spent 5 days over the holidays in Plain Washington, near Leavenworth, with a bunch of friends hunkered down in a cabin surrounded by snow and cold temperatures.  It was obvious that it was still the dead of winter.  On the way home, as I reached the lower elevations, I was amazed to see how many plants were coming out of dormancy and starting to bloom.  Yes folks, spring is almost here.  I spotted crocus, snowdrops, daffodils and a Winter Daphne who’s fragrance I could almost smell as I drove by.  A Witch hazel, cornelian cherry, several varieties of hellebores and, just starting to crack color, a delightful buttercup winter hazel with its primrose yellow bells.  The last plant I noticed just up the road from my home was one that I consider to be a true harbinger of spring — flowering quince.

BYB's (Boring Yard Busters) For February

As I promised in January, every month throughout this year I am going to give you a list of plants that I think are worthy of adding interest to our gardens.  If you plant a few from each month’s list your garden will magically evolve into a 4-seasons-of-interest landscape that you will find yourself drawn into to discover who’s on stage for the month.  So without further adieu, here is act two of this twelve act performance.

Just Say "No" To Boring Gardens

Okay folks, here’s the deal… There isn’t a day that goes by that a customer doesn’t come into my garden center and ask me how they can achieve year around interest in their garden.  My reply is always the same, “Come to the garden center once a month, buy something that looks interesting to you and in 12 months you will have year ‘round interest in your garden”.  So to make this as simple as possible I have decided to give you a monthly list of plants I think you should have in your garden to keep things from being boring.  I call them my Boring Yard Busters or BYB’s for short.  Here are my recommendations for January...