Coneflowers For Summer Color

Echinaceas or what we commonly call cone flowers have been around forever and have been used as a staple in perennial borders where there is full sun and good drainage.  They bloom for a long time, attract bees and butterflies, make an excellent cut flower and provide seeds for birds in the fall and winter.

Time For A Little Tweaking

I have mentioned in past columns that July is an excellent month to prune our gardens.  I am not talking about major slash and burn type pruning (which should be done first thing in the spring if at all) but rather the nip and tuck, clip and snip, make a little room for your neighbor type of pruning. 

The Birds And The Bees

This coming Saturday July 12th at 10am here at the nursery we will be offering a one hour class on attracting birds and butterflies into our gardens.  Come and learn all about the kinds of plants and other elements of a garden that will bring in these creatures and increase the enjoyment of gardening.