Raspberries are delicious when fresh, in preserves & more, plus they are great for small spaces when you need something that will grow up and not out.
Check out some of the many varieties we have to offer...
*Please contact us to find out more about our current availability*
We are a retail garden center servicing our local communities & currently not able to ship our products
Canby Red
Produces large berries & has nearly thornless canes. Disease resistant. Ripens late spring.
Photo courtesy of Monrovia
An ever-bearing variety that produces large, firm, high quality, delicious berries. A vigorous grow that is good for the PNW.
An ever-bearing variety that produces bright red, flavorful, firm berries. An easy-to-grow-at-home variety that is also easy to pick.
Photo courtesy of Monrovia
Crimson Night
Big flavor on this compact plant! An everbearing variety that produces large, dark, tasty berries. Disease resistant. Everbearing, which means it produces fruit throughout entire season.
Fall Gold
Produces beautiful golden berries that are very sweet in flavor. A nice variety for a late crop. Ripens late summer.
Photo courtesy of Monrovia
An excellent variety. Produces large berries that are superior quality. Everbearing, which means it produces fruit throughout entire season.
Photo courtesy of Monrovia
Indian Summer
A great variety that produces large, sweet berries. Everbearing, which means you'll have berries to pick all summer long!
Large thimble shaped dark red fruit in June. Vigorous, self-fertile plant with long willowy growth. Hardy canes do not require staking. Firm juicy dark red fruit with a high sugar content that is excellent for eating fresh, freezing, canning or jams. Produces fruit on second year wood.
Photo courtesy of Van Klavern’s Nursery
Raspberry Shortcake
A new dwarf variety that is completely thornless. Great for growing in containers. Ripens late spring.
Photo courtesy of Monrovia
A great backyard variety that produces large, tasty berries over a long period of time in the summer. Ripens early to mid summer.
Photo courtesy of Van Klavern’s Nursery
A reliable variety that is a heavy producer of tasty berries. Ripens mid summer.
Photo courtesy of Van Klavern’s Nursery
Crabapple trees have adorned gardens across the globe for centuries. While some are actually grown for their edible fruits, the vast majority are enjoyed for their ornamental qualities in landscapes. Not to get all Latin on you, but…