Gain peace of mind with having these non-toxic, pet friendly plants around your house.
Although we do not condone your pets eating your plants, below is a list of safer options if you have critters that nibble. Some plants can still make them a little queasy, the same as if they ate a bunch of grass outside. Be sure to have the correct botanical name when choosing plants, many plants go by the same common name.
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African Violets
Also known as Saintpaulia ionantha, these vibrant beauties are a great way to decorate with some houseplant color. They will bloom with lower light, though medium to bright indirect light is best. They can be a bit picky, so be careful not to overwater them. They also help clean your air too!
Areca Palm
Also known as Butterfly Palm, these are perfect for interior decorating as they make a great focal point in large rooms, hallways, etc. They like bright, indirect light & while easy to grow, be sure not to overwater. They are also air purifiers!
Baby Tears
Also known as Soleirolia soleirolii, it is a delicate, carpet-like plant that is perfect for a table plant, in terrariums or as a small hanging basket. They like bright, indirect light, high humidity & moist but not soggy soil.
Bamboo Palm
Also known as Chamaedorea seifrizii, it is a popular houseplant choice for homes & offices. Can tolerate a variety of light conditions but will grow best in brighter, indirect light. An easy to care for houseplant that likes rich, good-drainage soil & to be watered when the soil surface is dry.
Birds Nest Fern
Also known as Crispy Wave Fern or Asplenium nidus, these ferns are great for bathrooms since they love humidity & warm temps. They like medium light conditions & go well grouped with other rain forest plants like orchids or bromeliads.
Boston Fern
Also known as Nephrolepis exaltata, they prefer bright, filtered light & are perfect for bathrooms or kitchens - high humidity areas. They have attractive, long, graceful fronds that make them idea on pedestals or in hanging baskets. They are air purifiers too!
These tropical-looking plants come in a wide array of varieties. They add an exotic touch to the home & brings in interesting texture and color too. They like medium to bright, indirect & high humidity (i.e. misting). Relatively low maintenance, they can easily be a long-lasting, unique houseplant.
Burro’s Tail
Also known as Sedum morganianum, is a succulent with long, sweeping stems that are arrayed with thick, fleshy green leaves. It thrives in bright sunlight & well-drained containers. Does really well in a mixed succulent container or as a hanging specimen. They are easy to care for & make an excellent houseplant for beginners.
Button Fern
Also known as Pellaea rotundifolia, it is a dependable indoor plant that requires limited care. Great for plant stands or hanging baskets to accentuate its cascading trail of leathery, button-shaped leaflets. Likes bright, indirect light and soil with good drainage.
They come in many varieties, normally having gorgeous looking ornately patterned leaves that can look almost artificial or painted. They grow best in warm, humid, and well-lit, medium light conditions. Beware, they are highly sensitive to cold, drafts & sudden temperature fluctuations.
Carnivorous Plants
These quirky, unique plants seem to be a popular plant choice. They do best in bright, direct light & in all seasons except winter, it's very difficult to "over water" this plant. Actually, putting letting it sit in an inch of water in a drip tray from time to time really helps, as the soil should stay consistently moist, except for in the winter.
Cast Iron Plant
Also known as Aspidistra elatior, they have earned their reputation as nearly indestructible houseplants. They are fairly undemanding & will survive through neglect that would easily kill others. They will practically grow in the dark. They are tough, attractive & perfect for those hard to grow, low-lit areas. A great air purifier too!
Christmas Cactus
Also known as a Zygo, they are a very popular houseplant. When they bloom, they produce colorful, tubular flowers in a variety of colors. Their beautiful flowers, long bloom time, & easy care requirements make them a wonderful plant. They are also great air purifiers!
A part of the Marantaceae family. Trade secret: When you pronounce this plant you don’t say the “C”. Related to the Calathea family, great foliage adorns these plants. Can thrive in medium light. Keep soil relatively moist but not soggy. Non-toxic to pets.
Goldfish Plant
Also known as Nematanthus wettsteinii, it earned its name from the flowers that appear to look a bit like leaping goldfish! Has bright colored blooms that cascade & are great in hanging baskets. Prefers bright, indirect light and well draining soil.
Grape Ivy
Less is more with these interesting looking plants and they are wonderful as a hanging basket. Prefers low light & to dry out between waterings. Can tolerate medium to bright light if soil is kept moist.
A wonderful succulent that makes a very attractive, distinctive looking small houseplant. Generally easy to grow, if you can grow a healthy aloe or echeveria you will be fine. It likes bright light, adequate moisture in the summer & relatively drier conditions in the winter.
Heart Leaf Fern
Also known as Hemiontis arifolia, it is an easy to grow houseplant. It’s almost-leathery, heart shaped leaves are interesting & beautiful. Keep soil evenly moist & provide bright, indirect light - don’t be afraid to trim as needed.
A popular vining houseplant that is great in hanging baskets on ledges or a top shelf. Also called a Wax Plant due to its leaves, it lives forever, grows to be quite large & has beautiful, fragrant flowers. Prefers medium to bright indirect light & less is more when it comes to watering.
Many varieties have a lovely, intoxicating fragrance, freshening up any stale smelling room. Delicate, white flowers bloom for a long time making this a must-have houseplant.
Kangaroo Paw Fern
Also known as Microsorum diversifolium, it is a very adaptable plant good in homes or offices. Has unique glossy, leathery fronds on semi-wiry stems that fill up a hanging basket beautifully. Prefers bright to medium indirect light, consistent humidity & damp, but not soaked, soil.
Kentia Palm
Also known as Howea forsteriana. A grand palm that can adapt to medium light but grows slowly. Water after the first few inches dry out. Would love a boost of humidity with a humidifier or sit on a shallow dish with rocks and water. Non-toxic to pets.
Kimberly Queen Fern
Also known as Nephrolepsis obliterata, it is a more compact & tidier fern than most. It is fairly easy to care for & has long sword-shaped fronds that almost never leave a mess. This extremely adaptable fern adds a nice hanging element indoors. It prefers bright indirect light, moist soil & high humidity.
Lady Palm
Also known as Rhapis excelsa, it is a popular houseplant choice for homes & offices. Can tolerate a variety of light conditions but will grow best in brighter, indirect light. An easy to care for houseplant that likes rich, good-drainage soil & to be watered when the soil surface is dry.
Lipstick Plant
Also known as Aeschynanthus radicans, they have unique colored flowers that look like lipstick pushed out of a tube. It likes medium light conditions & high humidity. Stressing a lipstick plant by allowing the soil to dry out encourages it to bloom.
Also known as Living Stones because they are succulents that actually look like living stones! A unique plant that stays small, flowers at times and prefers very bright light. Be careful not to overwater and plant in a very well draining soil, like a cactus mix
Maidenhair Fern
Also known as Adiantum, these delicate, lacy beauties are tough to grow - but rewarding! If possible, they need indirect morning or afternoon sun with no drafts, a temperature of about 70°F & they cannot tolerate dry air. They are perfect for bathrooms or regular misting.
Also known as Prayer Plant, these are good, easy houseplants to grow. It gets its name from how it folds up at night, like hands closing in prayer. A hardy plant with fun foliage, that comes in different colored varieties, and is great in a hanging basket or grown horizontally on a surface. Likes bright, indirect light, warm temps with good airflow.
Money Tree
Also known as Pachira aquatica, it has beautiful slender leaves & a unique braided trunk. Many people believe that they bring good luck & financial success. It is relatively low-maintenance, like bright, indirect light & medium-to-high humidity. It is also a great air purifier!
Neanthe Bella Palm
Also known as Parlor Palm or Chamaedorea elegans, it has been a popular houseplant for a long time & is the most popular indoor palm. It likes bright, indirect light but can be adapted to relatively low light, it can handle lower temperatures & has attractive, delicate-textured, clumping foliage. They make excellent large, floor plants!
Nerve Plant
Also known as Fittonia, these interestingly veined plants come in a few different colored varieties. They prefer medium, indirect light & require a very high, constant humidity. They make excellent terrarium plants.
This ever-popular houseplant is also know as Phalaenopsis. Orchids like fresh air flow for their roots & good drainage, which is why an orchid-specific pot is important. When in bloom, they need indirect sunlight, very little water & a mild, warm & somewhat humid environment. They are also a great air purifier!
These plants are all about the foliage! They are best highlighted when grouped with other plants. Prefers bright, indirect light & to get watering just about right, allow the soil to dry at the top & then water thoroughly - much less during winter.
Phoenix Palm
Also known as Phoenix roebelenii and referred to as the pygmy date palm. They have feathery looking fronds to add a different leaf texture and look as a statement or together with other tropical plants. Bright indirect light is best and the soil likes to stay relatively moist throughout the growing season. Non-toxic to pets.
With many varieties to choose from, they are a stunning & popular houseplant that is great to decorate with due to their showy leaves. It is easy to grow, likes bright, filtered light & needs high humidity, so regular misting is good.
Polka Dot Plant
Also known as Hypoestes phyllostachya, these vibrant, brightly colored foliage beauties are perfect for indoor decorating. They can stand alone or can play well with others to create stunning contrast. They are easy to grow, but unfortunately don’t have a super long life span (reason to get a new one every once & awhile) & they like bright light (helps keep their distinct coloring).
Ponytail Palm
Also known as Beucarnea recurvata, these are not actually palms but cute, low maintenance plants that have been popular for decades. A forgiving plant, it likes bright, indirect light best but will tolerate lower lighting conditions too. Treat it similarly to a cactus or succulent.
Rabbit’s Foot Fern
Also known as Davallia fejeensis, some people don’t like the fuzzy roots that start to creep around the top of the pot but that’s the charm of this plant. A very forgiving fern if you skip a watering but soil likes to stay relatively moist. Medium to bright indirect light. Non-toxic to pets.
Spider Plant
Also known as Chlorophytum, these medium to bright light loving plants are easy to grow, adaptable & durable. They are a popular plant that does well in hanging baskets due to its trailing nature. Also a great air purifying plant too!
Staghorn Fern
Also known as Platycerium, they look a lot like deer or elk antlers & can grow to be impressively large. Prefers bright, indirect light & regular waterings throughout the growing season. Perfect drainage is essential, so they tend do best when mounted on plaques or wall mounts.
String of Hearts
Also known as Ceropegia woodii, it has stunning heart-shaped, patterned leaves that are perfect cascading over containers, shelves or in a hanging basket. It is a semi-succulent plant that likes its soil to dry out completely between waterings and likes bright light, with some direct sun (but not all day).
Sugar Vine
Also known as Parthenocissus stricta, it is ideal for hanging baskets. Prefers partial sun & evenly moist soil.
Thimble Cacti
Also known as Mammillaria spp, it is a cute variety of little cacti that stay pretty compact. Cacti need bright light that can be direct. Water once soil is completely dry. In winter months you can go a month without watering. Non-toxic to pets but I don’t know what pet would want to nibble on these.
Also known as Air Plants, they are hardy, require little care & are perfect for small-space living. They do not grow in soil, so there is no mess & they prefer bright, filtered light. If your indoor air is dry, give them a good 2-3 hour soak about every 2 weeks, at minimum.
Crabapple trees have adorned gardens across the globe for centuries. While some are actually grown for their edible fruits, the vast majority are enjoyed for their ornamental qualities in landscapes. Not to get all Latin on you, but…