These houseplants prefer more medium light, such as a direct East facing light, darker corners of a bright sunny room or a room that only receives light for half of the day.
Plants can adapt easier to medium light. Many can even thrive since their natural habitats are shaded by tree canopies. Depending on how many hours of medium light you have available and the type of plant, legginess and lack of variegation can occur. Keep in mind for plants, Light = Food.
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African Violets
Also known as Saintpaulia ionantha, these vibrant beauties are a great way to decorate with some houseplant color. They will bloom with lower light, though medium to bright indirect light is best. They can be a bit picky, so be careful not to overwater them. They also help clean your air too!
Low to medium light loving plants that come in many different varieties. They are also known as Chinese Evergreen & are slow-growing, attractive foliage plants. A popular, highly decorative option for a houseplant.
A popular & exotic houseplant sometimes called African mask. Comes in an array of varieties, ranging in colors & veining structures. Need medium to bright, indirect light & keep the soil moist, they do not like wet “feet”. Best to water in the morning (so they are dry overnight) & at the root zone so the leaves don’t get wet.
Asparagus Fern
A fun, frilly & feathery plant that is a great way to add light, airy texture to your indoor plant collection. Its cascading foliage looks great in a hanging basket, providing a nice vertical green element to any room. Needs humidity so a daily misting or a nearby pebble tray helps. Prefers medium to bright light & likes regular watering. Helps clean the air too!
Bamboo Palm
Also known as Chamaedorea Seifrizii, it is a popular houseplant choice for homes & offices. Can tolerate a variety of light conditions but will grow best in brighter, indirect light. An easy to care for houseplant that likes rich, good-drainage soil & to be watered when the soil surface is dry.
Cool, tropical-looking plants that come in many varieties with bright, multi-colored foliages. A fun addition to any houseplant collection! They like bright light, to be well watered & warm temperatures
Also known as Peacock houseplants, these fun plants have uniquely patterned leaves that add nice dimensionality to a houseplant collection. Needs highly humid conditions, which can be as simple as placing it on a pebble tray or in a bathroom with a frequently used shower. Likes low to moderate light & keep soil evenly moist at all times, but not soggy - use distilled, filtered or rain water because it is sensitive to fluoride & other chemicals in many public water supplies.
Cast Iron Plant
An extremely hardy houseplant that can survive extreme conditions most others cannot. Also known as Aspidistra elatior, they are very easy and rewarding to grow. Does well in all light conditions, even low light & is not finicky about regular waterings.
Christmas Cactus
Also known as a Zygocactus, they are a very popular houseplant. When they bloom, they produce colorful, tubular flowers in a variety of colors. Their beautiful flowers, long bloom time, & easy care requirements make them a wonderful plant. They are also great air purifiers!
Coffee Plant
The same plant that grows coffee beans also makes a great houseplant - who knew?! Also known as Coffee arabica, it is easy & hardy, making it the perfect plant for every level of plant-keeper. They prefer bright, but indirect light. This means that they should be placed near a window but not directly in the window itself. The soil needs to stay moist, but not soaking wet and the humidity around the plant will need to stay high as well - setting it on a pebble tray will help.
Creeping Begonia Vine
Also known as Pellionia repens, it is not a true begonia, related to the nettle family. Don’t be deterred though, it won’t sting you. True to its name the vine creeps downward making it another option to combine with other plants with similar care needs. Bright indirect light and soil can dry a few inches before watering.
A part of the Marantaceae Family. Trade secret: When you pronounce this plant you don’t say the “C”. Related to the Calathea family, great foliage adorns these plants. Can thrive in medium light. Keep soil relatively moist but not soggy. Non-toxic to pets.
Bright light loving plants that come in many different varieties, but Marginata is the most popular. Great in small containers or in larger tree form.
There are so many ferns to choose from! Most are perfect for bathrooms or kitchens - high humidity areas. They have attractive, long, graceful fronds that make them idea on pedestals or in hanging baskets. They are air purifiers too!
A popular choice for homes & offices, largely due to its stature as a tree & pleasant look. Prefers bright indirect or filtered light, needs watering when the top of the soil is dry to the touch & high humidity - mist regularly or place it on a pebble tray. Avoid drafty areas like commonly used doors or windows.
Also known as Nerve Plants, these interestingly veined plants come in a few different colored varieties. They prefer medium, indirect light & require a very high, constant humidity. They make excellent terrarium plants.
Grape Ivy
Less is more with these interesting looking plants and they are wonderful as a hanging basket. Prefers low light & to dry out between waterings. Can tolerate medium to bright light if soil is kept moist.
Many varieties have a lovely, intoxicating fragrance, freshening up any stale smelling room. Delicate, white flowers bloom for a long time making this a must-have houseplant.
Juniper Bonsai
Arguably the most popular type of indoor bonsai, they need bright light, at least 3 hours a day. Requires frequent waterings, so that the soil never dries out, and high humidity - frequent misting or setting the plant in a decorative tray filled with pebbles & water added to a level just below the bottom of the pot helps
Kentia Palm
Also known as Howea forsteriana. A grand palm that can adapt to medium light but grows slowly. Water after the first few inches dry out. Would love a boost of humidity with a humidifier or sit on a shallow dish with rocks and water. Non-toxic to pets.
Neantha Bella Palm
Also known as Parlor Palm or Chamaedorea elegans, it has been a popular houseplant for a long time & is the most popular indoor palm. It likes bright, indirect light but can be adapted to relatively low light, it can handle lower temperatures & has attractive, delicate-textured, clumping foliage. They make excellent large, floor plants!
Also known as Money Tree, it has beautiful slender leaves & a unique braided trunk. Many people believe that they bring good luck & financial success. It is relatively low-maintenance, like bright, indirect light & medium-to-high humidity. It is also a great air purifier!
Peace Lily
Also known as Spathiphyllum. Low to medium light loving plants that are also known as Peace Lily. They are one of the most common houseplants because they are easy to grow & beautiful.
These plants are all about the foliage! They are best highlighted when grouped with other plants. Prefers bright, indirect light & to get watering just about right, allow the soil to dry at the top & then water thoroughly - much less during winter.
This ever-popular houseplant is also know as Orchids like fresh air flow for their roots & good drainage, which is why an orchid-specific pot is important. When in bloom, they need indirect sunlight, very little water & a mild, warm & somewhat humid environment. They are also a great air purifier!
A popular houseplant that is perfect for decorating uses due to its stylish, unique & tropical look. It likes well-draining soil, bright indirect light & watered when the top 2” of soil are dry. A must-have houseplant!
A fun plant due to all the varieties available - large to small leaves, green to variegated, etc. They generally like medium light conditions & watering when the top two inches of soil becomes dry.
Polka Dot Plant
Also known as Hypoestes phyllostachya, these vibrant, brightly colored foliage beauties are perfect for indoor decorating. They can stand alone or can play well with others to create stunning contrast. They are easy to grow, but unfortunately don’t have a super long life span (reason to get a new one every once & awhile) & they like bright light (helps keep their distinct coloring).
Also commonly known as Mother-in-law's Tongue or Snake Plant, they are one of the most popular & hardy houseplants. Widely used as an architectural decor element with its stiff, upright leaves that range in height. They are very easy to care for, like low light conditions & have few bug issues. So easy, anyone can grow it!
Soleirolia soleirolii
Also known as Baby Tears, it is a delicate, carpet-like plant that is perfect for a table plant, in terrariums or as a small hanging basket. They like bright, indirect light, high humidity & moist but not soggy soil.
Spider Plant
Also known as Chlorophytum, these medium to bright light loving plants are easy to grow, adaptable & durable. They are a popular plant that does well in hanging baskets due to its trailing nature. Also a great air purifying plant too!
Sugar Vine
Also known as Parthenocissus stricta, it is ideal for hanging baskets. Prefers partial sun & evenly moist soil.
Commonly known as Wandering Jew plant, they have beautiful & colorful foliage. It is easy to grow & adds unique color to your indoor spaces. Needs bright indirect light (without enough light they get “leggy”) & slightly moist soil (water at roots to avoid leaf rot). Likes to be misted frequently & its long, vining tendrils to be pinched back -roughly a fourth of the plant, to encourage branching & increased fullness.
I thought it might be a nice change of pace to move indoors this week and talk about some of the outstanding tropical plants that we can grow in our homes. As the rain pounds on the roof while I write this, a tropical destination does sound nice… perhaps with golf clubs in tow and my camera in hand to take a bazillion photos of all the cool plants I encounter… Sorry, got distracted there for a moment. As you consider which tropicals to cultivate indoors, keep in mind that many of them love to do one of two things…