Valued for its stately grandeur and its superior, fragrant wood there are many forms, sizes and colors for small, medium and large landscapes. 

Check out some of the many varieties we have to offer...

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Cryptomeria japonica 'Araucarioides'

With a prehistoric look, this Japanese cedar has long branches with short dark green needles resembling a cord or rope. The sparse branching of the snake-like limbs on young trees thicken with age to form a tall, open, conical tree. It will thrive in full sun to partial shade in well-drained soil. Has a broad upright growth habit & reaches reaches 15’ tall by 8’ wide in size, growing 6” to 12” a year.

Cryptomeria japonica 'Birodo'

Short, erect, green needles, like the points of a star, cover the tight branches of this slow-growing, dense mound. As cold weather sets in, the foliage gradually changes to a rich, bronzy purple for winter. Tough, trouble free & resistant to grazing animals. An excellent addition to raised garden beds & other close-up spaces, where its character can be seen easily. It will maintain a tight, formal habit without shearing. Protect from desiccating winter winds. Has a globe shaped habit & reaches roughly 2’ tall by 2’ wide in size, growing 1” to 3” a year.


Cryptomeria japonica 'Black Dragon'

Plants grow vigorously in youth, until they attain a height of 4-6'; then the growth rate slows & plants fill in with more compact foliage & branches. The light-green, new growth ages to a deep, dark-green & in winter maintains the darkest green–almost black–of all Cryptomerias, hence the name. Has a broad upright growth habit & reaches roughly 6’ tall by 4’ wide in size, growing 6” to 8” a year.


Cryptomeria japonica ‘Dinger’

This dwarf Japanese Cedar is definitely a must-have for any & all dwarf conifer collections! Rounded, multi-branched shoots are cord-like & filled with awl-shaped bright green needles. Masses of decorative buds form on lightly sheared tips to create a full, well-rounded treasure. Adds unique texture in the garden & appreciates protection from cold & desiccating winds. Has a broad upright growth habit & reaches roughly 4’ tall by 3’ wide in size, growing 3” to 5” a year.

Cryptomeria japonica ‘Dragon Prince’

A bright green variety with a compact, round habit & great texture. Has a globe shaped growth habit & reaches roughly 1’ to 6’ tall in size, over 10 years.


Cryptomeria japonica ‘Elegans’

Has great green color & texture, eventually turning an awesome burgundy winter color. Adds strength & elegance to the landscape year-round. Has a broad upright growth habit & reaches roughly 12’ tall by 8’ wide in size, growing 6” to 8” a year.

Cryptomeria japonica 'Globosa Nana'

A superb selection that retains a natural, dense, dome shape with little care. The finely textured foliage breaks up the bold effects of large leaved plants. Foliage becomes rusty red in winter. Enjoy as a single specimen or group as a filler. Has a globe shaped growth habit & reaches roughly 2’ to 3’ tall and wide, growing larger with age.


Cryptomeria japonica 'Golden Promise'

This dwarf Japanese Cedar has a coarse texture with its small awl-like, bright yellow foliage covering its small globe shape. An excellent choice for the rock garden or in a container on the patio. Provides a colorful accent throughout the seasons. Place in full sun to partial shade in well-drained soil. Has a broad upright growth habit & reaches roughly 4’ tall by 4’ wide in size, growing 3” to 5” a year.


Cryptomeria japonica 'Gyokuryu'

Interesting irregular pyramidal habit creates a unique silhouette in the landscape. Use as an individual specimen or plant in groups for greater interest. Deep green foliage does not become bronze in winter. Has a broad upright growth habit & reaches roughly 5’ to 10’ tall by 3’ to 7’ wide in size, growing slowly each year.

Photo courtesy of Monrovia

Cryptomeria japonica 'Knaptonensis'

Has a very tight, compact growth habit with a slightly upright, semi-columnar shape that comes with maturity.  Truly amazing foliage that is bright lime green with new growth being a brilliant white and some very mild bronzing during cold weather.  A great choice for an unusual planting in semi-shaded locations, and does best when given a little protection from hot, afternoon sun. Has a globe shaped habit & reaches roughly 12” to 18” tall and wide in size, growing about 1” a year.


Cryptomeria japonica ‘Koshyi’

A bright green variety that makes an excellent rock garden specimen. Has a globe shaped growth habit & reaches roughly 1’ to 6’ tall in size, over 10 years.

Photo courtesy of Youngblood Nursery

Cryptomeria japonica 'Little Champion'

Dense & compact with a graceful, rounded form, this conifer stands out for its unusual foliage: many curvy branchlets are coated with layers of tightly held, awl-like needles that make them look like woven rope. In winter, the sparkling green foliage may take on handsome bronzy highlights, especially the tips. Adaptable & easy to grow, it prefers sun or partial shade in moist, well-drained, acid soil in an open, sunny site. Has a globe shaped growth habit & reaches roughly 6’ tall by 6’ wide in size, growing 3” to 6” a year.


Cryptomeria japonica ‘Little Diamond’

A bright green variety that gets an excellent bronze color in the winter season. Has a globe shaped growth habit & reaches roughly 1’ to 6’ tall in size, over 10 years.

Photo courtesy of Iseli Nursery


Cryptomeria japonica 'Mushroom'

The finely textured, soft green foliage turns a dramatic russet with mahogany highlights in winter. It’s thin, evenly spaced needles on delicate branches create an open, airy look that requires little to no pruning to maintain. Protect from desiccating winds. Has a globe shaped growth habit & reaches roughly 10’ tall by 10’ wide in size, growing 6” to 8” a year.

Cryptomeria japonica 'Rasen'

A truly unique plant with fun twisting needles & rope-like foliage. Has a narrow upright growth habit & reaches roughly 10’ tall by 10’ wide in size.


Cryptomeria japonica 'Rein's Dense Jade'

The unusual texture & rich jade-green of the needles give this handsome form of the species a compelling look during the growing season. Its tightly held foliage, which turns striking purple-bronze in winter, gives branches a well-defined, formal appearance. Has a narrow upright growth habit & reaches roughly 25’ tall by 12’ wide in size, growing 15”+ a year.

Cryptomeria japonica 'Sekkan'

It's the color of this large, dense tree that strikes a fancy in the eye of the beholder. Its full, dense foliage beams out an unsurpassed sulfur-yellow. The upright conifer with regularly ascending branches becomes a broad pyramid. Protect from prolonged heat to avoid sunburn. Has a broad upright habit & reaches roughly 25’ tall by 12’ wide, growing 15”+ a year.


Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiralis'

Light-green needles spiral around the thick branchlets & form twisted ropes of ringlet-like foliage. A vigorous, densely branched, globe-shaped plant when young. Will develop a leader & a broad, upright habit that makes a dramatic, mid-size impression in the landscape. Has a broad upright growth habit & reaches roughly 10’ tall by 8’ wide in size, growing 6” to 8” a year.


Cryptomeria japonica 'Tansu'

A light green, slow-growing dwarf with pointed needles and a coarsely textured, broad upright habit that mimics, in miniature, a jagged mountain outline. A perfect sculptural addition to rock garden or container.  Will exhibit bronze tones in winter and should be protected from cold, dry winter wind. Has a broad upright growth habit & reaches roughly 3’ tall by 2’ wide in size, growing 2” to 4” a year.

Cryptomeria japonica 'Tenzan'

Dark green in summer & red bronze in winter, with an extremely dense habit. Possibly the smallest Cryptomeria cultivar available & is excellent for miniature container gardens, troughs or rock gardens. Siting is important for success, as it is slightly less hardy & more susceptible to frost damage than others. Has a globe shaped habit & reaches roughly 1’ tall by 1’ wide in size, growing 1” to 2” a year.


Cryptomeria japonica 'Twinkle Toes'

Has bright yellow new growth that appears to twinkle against the mature green foliage of this irregular upright mound. The color fades to a light green by the end of the season. The small scale foliage makes ‘Twinkle Toes’ a colorful and suitable addition to the rock garden or in containers on the patio or deck. Has a broad upright habit & reaches roughly 3’ tall by 2’ wide in size, growing 2” to 4” a year.

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