Are you new to the houseplant lifestyle and don’t know where to begin? Or maybe you think you have a ‘brown thumb’? Below are some plants great for the novice grower. Check them out...
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Air Plants
Also known as Tillandsias, they are perfect for those with a fear of houseplants - they're easy to grow & care for! With no soil required, you can get creative & colorful without all the fuss. Keep them in a warm area, in bright but indirect light & mist to water every few days.
Cast Iron Plant
Also known as Aspidistra elatior, they have earned their reputation as nearly indestructible houseplants. They are fairly undemanding & will survive through neglect that would easily kill others. They will practically grow in the dark. They are tough, attractive & perfect for those hard to grow, low-lit areas. A great air purifier too!
Bright light loving plants that come in many different varieties, but Marginata is the most popular. Great in small containers or in larger tree form.
Also known as Nerve Plants, these interestingly veined plants come in a few different colored varieties. They prefer medium, indirect light & require a very high, constant humidity. They make excellent terrarium plants.
There are many varieties available, making it easy to find the one that best suits your aesthetic preference. Less is more with these interesting looking plants and they are wonderful as a hanging basket. Prefers low light & to dry out between waterings. Can tolerate medium to bright light if soil is kept moist.
Lipstick Plant
Also known as Aeschynanthus radicans, they have unique colored flowers that look like lipstick pushed out of a tube. It likes medium light conditions & high humidity. Stressing a lipstick plant by allowing the soil to dry out encourages it to bloom.
Peace Lily
Low to medium light loving plants that are also known as Spathiphyllum. They are one of the most common houseplants because they are easy to grow & beautiful.
These plants are all about the foliage! They are best highlighted when grouped with other plants. Prefers bright, indirect light & to get watering just about right, allow the soil to dry at the top & then water thoroughly - much less during winter.
Also known as Epipremnum aureum, it likes bright, indirect light & they are perfect for offices & bedrooms. They are arguably one of the easiest houseplants to grow & with so many varieties to choose from, they can fit any aesthetic.
Also commonly known as Mother-in-law's Tongue or Snake Plant, they are one of the most popular & hardy houseplants. Widely used as an architectural decor element with its stiff, upright leaves that range in height. They are very easy to care for, like low light conditions & have few bug issues. So easy, anyone can grow it!
Medium to high light loving plants that can be grown in containers or in larger tree form. A popular, easy to grow option.
Spider Plant
Also known as Chlorophytum, these medium to bright light loving plants are easy to grow, adaptable & durable. They are a popular plant that does well in hanging baskets due to its trailing nature. Also a great air purifying plant too!
ZZ Plant
A great beginner plant! Also known as Zamioculcas Zamiifolia, it can tolerate different light conditions and will grow faster the brighter the light. Base your watering off of the lighting conditions, i.e. less light = less water, medium light = medium water & lots of light = frequent water.
Crabapple trees have adorned gardens across the globe for centuries. While some are actually grown for their edible fruits, the vast majority are enjoyed for their ornamental qualities in landscapes. Not to get all Latin on you, but…