These are some interesting-looking plants that can be a conversation starter in your home or something that just makes you smile when you see them! Check them out…

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Aglaonema ‘First Diamond’

A popular & highly decorative option for a houseplant, also known as Chinese Evergreen. Needs low to medium light & thorough waterings, mist too to help keep humidity up. A slow-growing, attractive foliage plant that reaches roughly 6” to 8” tall. A tough houseplant that is great for those new to plant-keeping & they help purify the air!

Aglaonema ‘Lady Valentine’

A popular & highly decorative option for a houseplant, also known as Chinese Evergreen. Needs low to medium light & thorough waterings, mist too to help keep humidity up. A slow-growing, attractive foliage plant that reaches roughly 6” to 10” tall. A tough houseplant that is great for those new to plant-keeping & they help purify the air!


Aglaonema ‘Ruby Ray’

A popular & highly decorative option for a houseplant, also known as Chinese Evergreen. Needs low to medium light & thorough waterings, mist too to help keep humidity up. A slow-growing, attractive foliage plant that reaches roughly 6” to 10” tall. A tough houseplant that is great for those new to plant-keeping & they help purify the air!

Air Plants

Also known as Tillandsias, they are perfect for those with a fear of houseplants - they're easy to grow & care for!  With no soil required, you can get creative & colorful without all the fuss.  Keep them in a warm area, in bright but indirect light & mist to water every few days.


Alocasia ‘Amazon Polly’

A popular & exotic houseplant also known as Alocasia amazonica or is sometimes called African mask. Comes in an array of varieties, ranging in colors & veining structures. Need bright, indirect light & keep the soil moist, they do not like wet “feet”. Best to water in the morning (so they are dry overnight) & at the root zone so the leaves don’t get wet.

Begonia ‘Looking Glass’

A stunning Angelwing hybrid Begonia with beautiful foliage & clusters of pink flowers. Has a fast, upright habit & it is so easy to grow! Grows best in well-drained, humus-rich soil with moderate water & medium to bright indirect light.


Begonia ‘Miss Mummy’

A stunning Angelwing hybrid Begonia with beautiful foliage & clusters of white flowers. Has a fast, upright habit & it is so easy to grow! Grows best in well-drained, humus-rich soil with moderate water & medium to bright indirect light.

Black Goldfish Plant

Also known as Columnea gloriosa, it earned its name from the flowers that appear to look a bit like leaping goldfish! Has bright colored blooms that cascade & are great in hanging baskets. Prefers bright, indirect light and well draining soil.



An exotic, tropical looking plant that adds a colorful & textural statement to your interior. They are easy to care for and need medium to bright light as indoor specimens. Grows well in shallow pots as it doesn’t need a lot of space for roots.

‘Buddha’s Temple’ Jade

Also known as Crassula ‘Buddha’s Temple’, it is a rare succulent that is best known for its unusual shape & eye-catching features. Likes full sun, like most succulents, & needs to be on the dry side as over-watering can cause it to die.



Cool, tropical-looking plants that come in many varieties with bright, multi-colored foliages. A fun addition to any houseplant collection! They like bright light, to be well watered & warm temperatures

Calathea Makoyana

Also known as Peacock houseplants, these fun plants have uniquely patterned leaves that add nice dimensionality to a houseplant collection. Needs highly humid conditions, which can be as simple as placing it on a pebble tray or in a bathroom with a frequently used shower. Likes low to moderate light & keep soil evenly moist at all times, but not soggy - use distilled, filtered or rain water because it is sensitive to fluoride & other chemicals in many public water supplies.



There are so many varieties available, a wide range of colors and leaf shapes. Also known as Codiaeum variegatum, their lighting conditions change depending on the variety so be sure to check the plant tag. It is best to avoid moving the plant as much as possible and to provide it with high humidity - place it on a pebble tray or regularly mist it. Water only when the top of the soil is dry to the touch, then water thoroughly.

Curly Lipstick Plant

Also known as Aeschynanthus radicans, this is a fun, flowering, eye-catching houseplant! There are many Lipstick plant varieties to choose from with a range of colors & leaves! They prefer medium to bright light ( a brighter spot helps it to produce flowers), & moist soil but not overly wet - you want to prevent root rot from occuring.


Devil’s Back Bone

A unique looking (& even a little creepy looking) plant! There are many names for this plant but the scientific name is Pedilanthus tithymaloides. It is important to note that its milky sap may be poisonous to some people & that one should be careful when handling the plant. Prefers bright indirect sunlight & should be watered when the top few inches of soil feel dry. Keep it only moderately moist, yet not soggy & away from drafts as they can kill off the tips of the growth.

Euphorbia Flanaganii

Commonly known as Medusa’s Head, it’s snake-like branches make it easy to see why it has the name. They’re unique, fun and sometimes hard to find. Requires at least six hours of direct sunlight a day & well-draining soil.


Eyelash Fern

Admittedly not a beginner plant, this small, tropical, palm-like fern is a standout. Also known as Actiniopteris australis, this fun plant needs warm temperatures & high humidity to flourish. It remains compact, prefers bright, filtered light & neutral to acidic, loose, richly organic soil which is moist but not waterlogged. If you are ready to level up your houseplant game, give this one a try!

Hoya ‘Sweetheart’

It’s easy to see how this plant got its name! Also known as Hoya kerrii, it is a stunning, low-maintenance houseplant that is sweet & unique. A relatively slow-grower that will eventually become a bushy mass of green hearts. Adapts to most lighting conditions, except full shade, & needs to be watered deeply when the soil is slightly dry to the touch - let the pot drain thoroughly.



Part of the succulent family, these plants have beautiful foliage & flowers. They like bright, indirect light & well-drained soil. Little maintenance is necessary & they have very few disease or pest problems.

Money Tree

Also known as Pachira aquatica, it has beautiful slender leaves & a unique braided trunk. Many people believe that they bring good luck & financial success. It is relatively low-maintenance, like bright, indirect light & medium-to-high humidity. It is also a great air purifier!


Panda Paw

A hardy succulent that is part of the Kalanchoe family. An interesting & fun favorite (especially of children) due to its velvety leaves and unique brownish-red markings that make it look similar to the fur of a panda. Prefers medium to bright light & soil should be allowed to dry out between waterings.

Pickle Plant Senecio

A fun & unique succulent that is called many names, including Kleinia stapeliiformis. They like bright light (at least 3 hours direct) & to dry out between waterings. An extremely drought tolerant plant!


Pilea microphylla ‘Variegata’

Also known as Tricolor Artillery Plant, it is an unusual plant that features tiny leaves variegated in light-green, white & tinged in a lovely pink. Mounding foliage grows on upright, sturdy stems. The small flowers explosively send pollen into the air, hence the common name of Artillery Plant. This plant prefers moderate light & moist soil. A great choice for terrariums & doesn’t mind being pruned.

Polka Dot Plant

Also known as Hypoestes phyllostachya, these vibrant, brightly colored foliage beauties are perfect for indoor decorating. They can stand alone or can play well with others to create stunning contrast. They are easy to grow, but unfortunately don’t have a super long life span (reason to get a new one every once & awhile) & they like bright light (helps keep their distinct coloring).


‘Rosy’ Calathea

A striking, vibrant Calathea that is rare & hard to find. Needs highly humid conditions, which can be as simple as placing it on a pebble tray or in a bathroom with a frequently used shower. Likes low to moderate light & keep soil evenly moist at all times, but not soggy - use distilled, filtered or rain water because it is sensitive to fluoride & other chemicals in many public water supplies.

Split-Leaf Philodendron

A popular houseplant that is perfect for decorating uses due to its stylish, unique & tropical look. Also known as Monstera deliciosa, it likes well-draining soil, bright indirect light & watered when the top 2” of soil are dry. A must-have houseplant!


String Of Bananas

Also known as Senecio radicans, it is a fast-growing plant with cascading vines of succulent, banana-shaped leaves year round & tiny blooms during fall & winter (said to have a cinnamon-like scent). Great in containers or hanging baskets, likes bright light & water when the soil feels dry to the touch, but don’t allow it to remain bone dry.

String of Dolphins

Also known as Senecio peregrinus, it is a charming succulent plant whose leaves look like tiny jumping dolphins. A fun & unqiue plant that adds a touch of oceanic ambiance. Prefers bright but indirect light & allow soil to dry out between watering. On average, water once a week in the growing season & only once a month in the dormant months.


String of Hearts

Also known as Ceropegia woodii, it has stunning heart-shaped, patterned leaves that are perfect cascading over containers, shelves or in a hanging basket. It is a semi-succulent plant that likes its soil to dry out completely between waterings and likes bright light, with some direct sun (but not all day).

String of Pearls

Also known as Senecio rowleyanus, it is an easy & fun succulent plant. Its leaves look like green beads on a necklace that sprawl over the edges of containers or hanging baskets. Likes bright light, well-draining sandy soil and to be watered roughly once every other week in growing season & roughly once a month in the dormant season.


Swiss Cheese Philodendron

A popular houseplant that is perfect for decorating uses due to its stylish, unique & tropical look. Also known as Monstera adansonii, it likes well-draining soil, bright indirect light & watered when the top 2” of soil are dry. A must-have houseplant!

Tradacantia ‘Nanouk’

Commonly known as Wandering Jew plant, this variety is stunning & rare. It is easy to grow & adds beautiful color to your indoor spaces. Needs bright indirect light (without enough light they get “leggy”) & slightly moist soil (water at roots to avoid leaf rot). Likes to be misted frequently & its long, vining tendrils to be pinched back -roughly a fourth of the plant, to encourage branching & increased fullness.

Our availability changes constantly, so please contact us for more detailed information