Check out what's new & exciting right now!

Hanging Baskets

THE WAIT IS OVER! Hanging baskets are here, with more coming into the nursery EVERY WEEK! Which one will look best on your porch?

Trees & Shrubs

Vibrant colors & flower power don’t have to come from just seasonal color, trees & shrubs are showing off in spring too! Flowering trees, Japanese Maples, Lilacs & more… there are so many beautiful blooming choices right now!

Rhododendrons & Azaleas

You’ve likely seen these vibrant, bold, blooming plants all over town… and there are hundreds of choices here in the nursery waiting for you!

Spring Color

Spring is welcoming us with cheery, open arms as vibrant color is popping up everywhere! There are so many beauties showing off right now, begging for a spot in your yard or containers. It's time to freshen up your outdoor spaces with unique, colorful, fun & easy seasonal color!

Mason Bees

They're HERE! A natural way to boost your garden's productivity, these pollinators can help increase the yield of your fruits, vegetables, & flowers. Plus, they're an eco-friendly way to ensure your garden stays healthy & sustainable. So why not give these amazing creatures a try and see the benefits for yourself?

Fresh Plants

There are brand new, exciting plants arriving at the nursery EVERY DAY! Beauties blooming right now and some waiting to show off in the next month or two, but all of them ready to give your containers or landscape a fresh face. Enjoy a walk around the nursery to discover something new!

Fresh Houseplants

Freshen & liven up your indoors with houseplants! They can be easy to take care of, will brighten up any area & will clean your air too - what’s not to love? So many varieties that are great for every room in your house, all you have to do is choose your favorite. Stop by to see what speaks to you!

Gift Card

Sometimes there are too many choices, especially when it comes to giving a gift. Let them choose by giving them a gift card - you can even go shopping with them to really make some long-lasting memories together!

If for some reason you can't find what you're looking for in our stock, you can order directly from Monrovia & have it shipped here to the nursery for FREE!